
Look, even this chill motherfucker has moved on
Lindsay crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of shit-smelling foulness I can’t even imagine. Or maybe I just don’t want to. Five hundred yards. The length of five football fields. Just shy of half a mile. I like to think the last thing that went through the warden’s head…other than that bullet…was to wonder how the hell Lindsay ever got the best of him. I hope I can make it across the border to Zihuatanejo. I hope to see my friend and shake her hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.
Lindsay crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of shit-smelling foulness I can't even imagine. Or maybe I just don't want to. Five hundred yards. The length of five football fields. Just shy of half a mile. I like to think the last thing that went through the warden's head...other than that bullet...was to wonder how the hell Lindsay ever got the best of him. I hope I can make it across the border to Zihuatanejo. I hope to see my friend and shake her hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.
GTL baby!
Damn! You beat me to it!
Every image link that I pasted in properly betrayed me! I fed up with this world!
Armond White, are you asking for an ultra beatdown?
Thank you--brilliant! All the upvotes. Was this a CGI dog or did they just smear peanut butter all over the stuntwoman's ass?
I'll give a gold viking crown to the first person who comes up with a gif of Tara getting were-tackled
"From the studio that brought you"? SOLD!
Sounds like someone just got sold by a trailer... mwahaha
Maybe Piers Morgan can follow suit and hang onto this job 30 years past when he should have retired, too
Where's your self-respect, Ken Jeong? You don't need to do these movies, I thought you were on the way up
Next time I break up with someone I'm going to make sure I mention that I'm with someone else and we have sex in a way that only vampires can. I win the breakup contest!!
I DID come here to make a crotch full of friends, in fact.
Now Japanese Bruce Willis can complete the illusion
Just the phrase "sci-fi dinner party" is enough to give me an IBS flareup, and I don't even have IBS.
They can use this as the trailer!
Mel Gibson's slurs always remind me of the Jerky Boys. He must be a superfan.
Whats with the morse code at the end of the trailer, Mr Trying to be as Mysterious as That Time I Directed Cloverfield Guy? I bet it either says "let me in" or "do you like mudkips?"
I invite everyone here to join me in a staged blackout protest in front of the Starz headquarters.
I predict that there will be a line about how the baby can see it because children can see things adults can't because of their natural wonder yadda yadda some sort of drivel like that. Mark my words... Mark them!
Sequels are a good chance to go bigger than the first film--MORE SLEEPING! AND MORE SUDDEN LOUD NOISES (which, ok, granted, are a type of scare, so yeah you can call this a scary movie)!
Honestly, when you think about the sort of idiot who forms all of their political opinions from TV, this sort of ad could just as easily be called well-tailored.
OOOOOhhhhhh, ok, "Fockers" sounds like "fuckers" It took 7 sequeals, but I FINALLY get it.
Its not a birthday party until you end up in your underpants in front of friends and family.
Stanley Tucci approves
Yeah, its been action-packed
Please be safe out there everyone! If you ever, ever find yourself in the same situation, there is only one way out of it.
She's my new favorite artist!
People dance in a manner that suggests how they make love. Or, in this case, gyrate and look horrified.
Hey Arizona, read more Howard Zinn.
It was only CANS, Sandra.
"Lori Petty used to be kinda hot in the 90s."