
Napoleon, do you mean no home-o? Hee hee hee.
They do get some respect in my book though, for not giving their kids stupid fucking names.
You'll shoot your eye out!
David Cameron will be disappointed to hear that.
Also, if you have a scrolly wheel on your mouse, and you click on the link with the scrolly wheel instead of the left mouse button, that will cause it to open in a new tab!
I think Birdie might be a Shiba Inu, which is related to a chow but a dillion times cuter? Can anyone confirm/correct this?
They look pretty comfortable, plus I've never seen a cat just sit around all relaxed in a place it didn't want to be. Cats don't put up with that kind of shit!
See, I quite like the idea of those "Twitarded" under-crackers (not for myself) because I don't see "Twilight" in that word, i see "twit" and "retarded".
Why does this have so many downvotes? Did everybody miss the joke?
Good use of punctuation!
It's not awkward that he is a non-native supporter of the team, it is that he is a supporter of the other team. The fact that they are of a different ethnicity is really not the point. And obviously the second commercial is completely racist.
Do you guys think they will still do stand-up, or is this the end of FOTC altogether?
So by setting this poster in a very Twilight-like forest, are they suggesting that killing people, or (if you're a "moral vampire") animals for their blood is ok, as long as you don't wear fur? If you're drinking an animal's blood, wouldn't it be a waste to NOT use the fur for something? I do realise that vampires aren't real, by the way.
I read that as "mighty dinosaurs with even mightier labias." That was a terrifying moment.