
Ok this could actually be really delicious if they made it like a dry ramen sandwich or something: -Keep the eggs -Replace the hamburger patty with chashu pork -Remove the cheese (ew!) and ketchup (also ew!) -Put some sort of asian sauce on top of the chashu port -Replace lettuce with shredded cabbage I think that if you did it like that it could actually be really fun and tasty...making it like a regular burger but with ramen for a bun just sounds gross to me.
Seriously, I can't even handle how stupid this person is haha...she KNOWS it's for life threatening calls but she doesn't care! What did she want 911 to do anyway??
Things like this makes me wonder how these people live. Like, how they survive day to day life. How they hold a job, feed themselves, not crash their cars or kill themselves accidentally.
I'd have just knocked into that guy I have no patience for assholes
For this reason it took me a minute to realize they were referring to Famke haha
Somehow I get a real Mama Fratelli sort of vibe from Paula Deen...doesn't help that we are always hearing about her sons I guess!
I buy my bras at the "big boobie shop"*, even there where the bras are generally $39ish my bra size is always, ALWAYS $10 more (38F). It's insanity. I definitely wonder about people who want huge boobs...but then again I assume (un-naturally big) fake boobs probably don't hang as much so maybe it's not as uncomfortable and doesn't need as much support???? *Lane Bryant
Cronuts (at least the knockoff "Kronut" I had) ARE really good though, I have to admit. I wouldn't wait for hours at 5am in line for one but I am definitely glad I found one and if I find it again (it was sold out last time I went there) I would get it again.
This tactic would NOT have worked on my son, he would have spit out the veggies immediately. Still does. That boy and veggies are like oil and water lol
Only one candy bar? How cheap of them.
So we've been sneaking into the cafe downstairs in my building for a couple years now (the building 1/2 belongs to one company who owns the cafe too)...not sneaking in exactly as they have been letting us in...the cafe changed hands and the food has gotten REALLY crappy lately but it was kind of a nice thing to have if you forgot your lunch. Well, now they closed it to our use with no warning (why should they give us one, I know, but still aggravating) and I am really annoyed because I am always forgetting to bring my lunch or buy lunch! It's also a little insulting that they won't even let us buy their shitty overpriced food! Other than that today's been ok though :)
Too bad Regretsy is no longer around, there was a huge saga with his mother threatening April over her making fun of her butt reading site. Yes, butt reading. Like palm reading but your butt.
It's like when you watch kids/tween shows and you think the parent/s are hot and done care about the stars' looks at all. That's how you know you've reached adulthood lol
Yes, Gambit would definitely be my first choice. Well, comics Gambit anyway (sorry FNL fans and my husband who think he's hot).
I have to second this! Saga is amazing~. I finished them both in (separate) sittings :)
So I was trying to find a nice, broody picture of him to post here because from what I understand via Tumblr he is VERY broody on Teen Wolf. I found this instead:
You'd think god would have found his/her contact already though...
As a dog owner I can tell you exactly what is going on here. This dog is attempting to lick her cleavage. You're all welcome.
WHAT is going on with his chin/neck here??
Why is there a hanger on one of the tables in the background of this picture?
Oof, must hurt to be beaten by Daniel Tosh.
And yet it's still Ace Ventura 2 hahhahaha
So they changed it to be just Jobs now rather than iJobs or jObs or whatever?
I was just going to say the same thing...somehow my tub/bathroom wall looks nicer than hers?? What the hell? I was expecting something more along the lines of Even if this was taking place in a hotel room or something!
Wait...wouldn't liquefied needles just be metal?
And yeah, whenever I am cornered by a spider or I have to squish one it's ALWAYS in the bathroom and ALMOST ALWAYS past 1pm when everybody else is sleeping.
When we were visiting my husband's grandmother I was using the bathroom...I sit down and there was what appeared to be a dead spider nearby. Gross, but whatever right? Well when I pull my pants up, and get up it's gone. I jump out of my pants (literally) and shake them out and a spider comes flying out of them and crawls away. Horrifying.
Are you SURE your dog isn't just an alien in a dog suit?
Well I am glad Michael Cera is at least embracing his adult onset creepiness.
Hodor! Hodor hodor hodor...HODOR!!! HODOR! HOOOODOOOR!
So basically I am wondering if amy wins again is actually a bizarro Bernard Black?
Dunno if this link will work but your second bit made me think of this:
So wait...that doesn't really mean he is replacing Cusack then does it...more like Cusack didn't do it and Adam Scott is doing it right?
Oh, ok. I just actually read the article and he is playing a different character. Good, good.
Is Adam Scott going to play a different character or something? He's a good 7 years younger than John Cusack... THAT being said I am glad there is a sequel coming up, HTTM is somehow one of my favorite comedies ever.
You didn't notice the gloves because whenever her arms are anywhere near her body they disappear.
I dunno, Mrs. Doubtfire didn't have matching gloves so I do think Robin Williams wore it better on a technicality.