
I found a recipe a couple of years ago that does advise using real pumpkin: And it's delicious.
And I just realized I misspelled Gordon Ramsay twice.
I would guess that Gordon Ramsey, or rather the Gordon Ramsey persona he brings out for American television, has a knack for bringing out the worst in people. But certainly you have to be a nasty piece of work to look that crazy with or without someone calling you a "fucking donkey".
It was popular with me too, but I was pretty much born an old woman.
Just going by the photo, it mainly looks like a shoulder bag, not a "purse" per se. I wouldn't look twice if I saw a guy carrying that.
There's also the frequency that actors spend weeks or months at a time working with other attractive people in what can be a pretty emotionally intense situation. Some fairly famous actor remarked recently-ish (unless I'm misremembering, Rachel Weisz, who's fallen for at least two men she's worked with) that it's almost inevitable to fall for your fellow actors in certain situations.
I remember as a kid being really freaked out whenever they would run a test of the emergency system. I guess I missed the multiple times they stated it was just a test. That said, I don't think I've ever seen it in action. The one natural disaster I've experienced, the power went out immediately, so I couldn't turn on the TV. And the one serious human-caused disaster I (kind of) experienced, the only TV station I could pick up wasn't using it either.
Swiffers only "work" on floors that are already pretty much clean.
Two priests teach a young girl about the power of Christ.
Dang, ignore this one. I was beaten to it!
The young owner of a motel really loves his mom.
While males are ostensibly the head of any pride, the females beat the males up on a pretty regular basis. Why they wouldn't keep a new alpha from killing off their cubs, though, escapes me.
So why did they need to show so much typing? How much effort does it really take to set up a wiki?
Have you seen Goodbye, Lenin? If you haven't, you should.
I think people have moved on to Richard Armitage sodomizing Martin Freeman. I'm so very sorry.
My boyfriend and I were jonesing for some good cop show drama when we finished The Wire, so I suggested we watch the original Wire, Homicide: Life on the Streets. It's really amazing that NBC ran that show for seven seasons despite it being an interesting, ground-breaking show that always had crap ratings. Would never happen today.
It's a Montessori coven.
The inventor of e-mail is only 49?
Mary Poppins, because, if the world's ending, I want to retreat into my childhood.
My dad got a perm back then to, unsuccessfully, hide his bald spot.
If you want true horror, Atlas Shrugged is also on Netflix.
Clearly Robert Pine should play the father in HBII.
I prefer both, but one year I made an apple pie with a streusel topping (my niece was hosting and she's allergic to nuts and doesn't like pumpkin). That pie was to die for.
Savory cranberry sauces that incorporate onion or garlic or cumin are truly a crime against humanity.
So what happened to the parts of the sandwich that didn't get cut into dolphin shapes? Did it get thrown away? So wasteful.
I think every creator needs constraints. Peter Jackson needs constraints on time. No longer than three hours to adapt a book that's about 300 pages.
Hedgehogs are such great animals, aren't they?
I guess replies don't nest after a while, but this is in response to Spidermonk. One of my worst examples was also an apartment manager. She was my upstairs neighbor and had the TV on really loud late at night; I even bought a decibel monitor to prove she was breaking the rules in the building. So, finally I got the stones to complain. I went upstairs and knocked on the door, and she turned down the TV and then came to the door. When I complained about the volume, she said, "I can hardly hear it from here." I said, "You just turned it down." And she just totally lied to my face and said she hadn't. The volume situation got better late at night after that, but it just blows my mind when people lie so brazenly. And, I don't know about the law in your state, but, in my state, landlords have to state upfront that they'll charge for carpet cleaning and such, not that it keeps the cheaters and liars from trying to scam their tenants, but it still helps to know your rights.
I've seen this movie a couple of times, and seen many screengrabs since then, but I somehow missed the awesomeness of Dunaway's eyebrows in this movie.
I say, when life gives you rotten bananas, make banana pancakes, with chocolate chips.
It's also kind of oily, if I remember correctly. I don't want my tea to be oily.
I've had some encounters with adults like that. "Hey, don't do that!" "I didn't do that." "I just saw you do it." "I didn't do it." How do you challenge someone who simply won't admit whatever it is? At least if they have some sort of creative lie or weaselly way of apologizing, I can figure out how to counter it.
He has a sexy voice, and I could see why his on-screen presence is appealing to people, but, just in terms of his physical appearance, I agree with you. I also don't really understand why Channing Tatum is considered attractive.
I guessed the purpose of the garage door opener well before my boyfriend did, which was vindicating since he usually picks up on that stuff first.
It also implies wealth; although it has been scientifically proven that sociopathy and wealth often go hand in hand.
My boyfriend and I were laughing at him for it, and then I remarked that Todd was the Nazi Barney Fife, too stupid to comprehend anything that was happening to him, but also really evil.
Still doesn't compare to this kid:
I think sometimes they'll pull out a regular toothbrush for little kids to show them how it's done. But, otherwise, yes. My dentist does a baking soda sandblaster thing that's salty and painful. Do not like. This bit of brilliance was posted in the comments of the Gawker story.