
You know what I hate about these types of videos, there's always someone in the crowd who knows all the words and has to sing as loud as possible so they can be heard!
This guy isn't going away. The buzz isn't going to calm down. He's that good. It's that simple!
It baffles me how people can knock his talent. I mean, they don't even have a leg to stand on, his voice is simply out of this world!
That falsetto in Thinkin Bout crush. I'm like a teenage girl here.
Okay, Lamborghini Mercy, your chick, she so thirsty, I'm in that two seat Lambo with your girl, she tryna jerk me.
Haha, fair enough! :-)
"this nigger actually did it"!? You sound like an off-duty priest trying to be cool, but have gotten it horribly horribly wrong.
The open letter he wrote is one of the most beautiful and moving things I have read in a long, long time. The way he put his feelings to words is pretty special (not to sound trite). Where I come from, we're still very much in the dark ages (as are most of the world) in terms of homosexuality and at times it breaks my heart to see how fucking stupid people are! Anyway, rant over. What I'm really trying to say is Frank Ocean, you're great.
Why the hell did I decide to check my Twitter page when I was out?!
They're playing Dublin this Thursday! They will be adored!
Ouch!! Ok, my bad. Awfully sorry for coming across like a massive tool. You're all spot on with you're comments. Totally lame on my behalf. Apologies.
In the wise words of Mr Shaun Corey Carter. This is all so LAAAAAAAAAME!
This whole thing just makes me feel like...
I gotta say, I'm really enjoying this new Yeasayer material.
Gimme all your likes, NOW
Hey, check out my music page. Give it some love huh? It'll make me feel alllllright!
LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends. EVERY Summer.
Also, why the hell is Nas bothering with this lot?
Typical NME. Maximo Park over LCD Soundsystem.
Genius out of Stereogum. This is going to be funny. A bit like this....
I think Serena should stick to what she's good at. Beating people at Tennis and screaming very very loudly.
Seriously can't get my head around the fact there's no Replacements on this list!
Any chance she'll get rid of Kurt singing Bon f*cking Jovi on guitar hero now?
What are you talking about. Nick pretty much embodies everything the strokes stand for. COOL AS FUCK! Slick guitarist too!