
AH i cannot even read the word "gummo" without having flashbacks of chloe sevigney's (sp?) bleached eyebrows and drowning cats and just generally an ick/nightmare feeling. worst. just another bullet point on the "reasons never to go to ohio" list.
Dolan's Cadillac. it was not my choice to watch, and it was insanely awful. gratuitously violent and icky. completely predictable and "UGH". also, agree with all monsters on judd apatow's movies dumbing down women and also being TOO LONG, GENERALLY. (knocked up, i'm talking to you.)
i was surprised and a little refreshed when i saw that mila kunis is finally allowed to be in a, well, real movie. and i'm pretty "meh" about natalie portman, but i mean, yeah, i'll probably see this. ballet's fuckin' scary. plus, basically, darren aronofsky scares the shit out of me. the end.
"literally, would you fuck me? i'd literally fuck me. i'd literally fuck me hard. like, literally, i would literally fuck me SO literally hard." i don't care if it's been done.
are you FUCKING kidding me? i had to watch this movie and write a paper on whether i thought it was art or porn in a film & censorship class. one of the (if not THE) most difficult things i have ever had to watch.
no sweat, homie. can't wait for this poo to drop for download.
hahahahahaha he is pooping racism so hard with that face.
he looks like such a cute little cherub when he has his eyes closed and he's noddin' with the flow.
Ginger Bruthaz--Makin' Yo Rap Look Str8 Like Poo: the mix tape. Goin' hard this July, suckaz.
ugh i wish he were bruiseder and bloodier.
What's that one where Al Pacino talks really loudly?
is that the same one where Samuel L. Jackson kinda yells a lot?
in his first scene, it struck me that the actor playing king john must have based his character on spencer pratt.