
I love those couple seconds when Tracy is staring intently at Kenny's face with this 6th-grade-punk grin while trying to decipher Kenny's reaction. Unfortunately for Tracy, you just can't see through that much bullshit.
Guys, I just experienced a real life porno switcheroo involving this article. I was trying to post a link of this post to my friend's facebook wall, because this friend introduced me to Brokencyde via their "Freaxxx" video. Anywho, I used tinyURL to post it, and noticed that the link didn't have the preview that facebook links usually do, so I clicked it to make sure it wasn't broken. It wasn't broken. It was just wrong. The link took me to a place called the ejaculazone or something. Very surprising. Very porno switcheroo.
Jack. He's the only one who could get away with calling Liz a small town lesbian.
When my friend started playing Modern Warfare 2, we wanted to make his name 500daysofslaughter. Unfortunately, 500daysofslaughter is too long for Playstation Network, so he picked something else. It wasn't until a few months later that I realized we could have made his clan name be [500] and his player name be "daysofslaughter," which would make his name appear as [500]daysofslaughter, which would have been perfect.
I feel like an Angry Beavers joke might be even easier.
Given the name of the song, I was hoping J. Bieb would drop some dope lines like bombs in a more exotic language.
I just learned how to do it today as well. This is a learning and friendship adventure.
Hey, Joe Mande: [IMG][/IMG]
Uggh. I guess the secret is out: I don't know how to embed. Time to bathe in a tub of lukewarm downvotes.
I personally like moms and cougars in general, but I know a youngster with a mohawk and a gold chain that might have a few things to say about this site:
I love her slight lisp. Be my grandma!
When he got the call, I told my roommates, "Now it's everybody else's turn to feel like an asshole after they made Don feel like one. Look how the boardroom tables have turned!" But at the end of the call, my roommates were all grinning at me like "what's that about everyone being an asshole?" and I became the asshole.
Currently, "The Bed Intruder Song (feat. Kelly Dodson)" is at number 38, and is still beating Lady G$G$, but not beating Ke$ha. More shocking, though, is the song in the 39 spot called "2012 (It Ain't the End) [feat. Nicki Minaj]". Apparently, some people aren't as worried about 2012 as they ought to be. How dare they profit off of a little-understood, apocalyptic occurrence that will happen for sure? I just want my voice to be heard: the Antoine Dodson meme IS dead and buried at the end of a double-rainbow, and 2012 will be the end.
"Criss Angel will personally teach you, step-by-step, how to perform one of his many levitations." Are there different types of levitations, and we are only taught one of them? I mean, if that's the case, I'm even more excited for the kit. Figuring out what other types of levitations there are (low, medium and high levitations? Multiple-stage levitations with hidden identities?), and also learning how to do the levitiations on your own, in your own spare time, after Criss Angel himself teaches you how to do one of them, sounds like an awesome mind puzzle. I imagine an army of Mindfreaks with the fanaticism of Juggalos inspiring a nation of "how'd-he-do-thats" to open their minds about mediocre, middle-school-talent-show level magic.
The second sentence should read: My hypothesis so far is that Spike stays in the relationship because he thinks Cheryl makes him look like a better dancer in comparison. My face burns with shame. But I'd like to blame this on my personal proof reader, who is currently at an airport, chasing the woman he loves.
I think his song is better than the majority of the songs on Pocahontas. If he would have invited some friends over to add some three-part harmony to the end, he could have had some Fleet Foxes stew going, baby.
Spike and Cheryl seemingly have a very complex, symbiotic relationship. My hypothesis so far is that Spike stays in the relationship because he thinks Spike makes him look like a better dancer in comparison. Cheryl, on the other hand, clings to the relationship with her little puppy paws because she likes watching the sexy push-up move from behind. As long as Cheryl keeps sucking at human dance moves and Spike keeps the sexy push-up as a regular part of his routine (which is already loaded with great, next-level shit), I think the two will continue to be very happy.
It's just a shot of his head a bit below the "S" in Sufjan. He's looking very Inception.
Also, I saw this in Provo, Utah. It turns out Provo's only redeeming quality is that it's the perfect place to see Toy Story 3. It was just a theater full of grown ups (starring Adam Sandler) howling at the jokes and openly crying at the end. I thought the over-emotional audience would start to get to me, but it was strangely life affirming. Everything is not terrible.
Those lucky enough to have a job as a boss at a museum actually prefer the term "museum stylist."
I heard the hardest part about making this video was getting all of the roller bladers out of the park. Nobody wants to see those poseurs.
It took to years, because that's how long it takes to write a freestyle rap song. Am I understanding the definition of "freestyle" correctly?
So, is Fiddy (yes, I always call him that) going to be playing Okonkwo? Things Fall Apart joke, you guys.
"It's not funny anymore, guys. Who switched my Che shirt out for this shirt?"
The dad looks like he just had an epiphany--as if he had a really existential moment during the porno switcheroo.
As shocked as the grandma, grandpa and mom are, they're still more concerned with satiating their popcorn craving than with grabbing the remote and changing the channel.
I just noticed something interesting (probably only interesting to me): when Videogum veers into the music world, like in this thread, the comments are always funnier and more insightful than the comments made on Stereogum. Stereogum is great. We all know that. Nevertheless, I would argue that the comments on Videogum--even (and maybe especially?) when they pertain to music--are just better.
"Oh, shit." -- Sigourney Weaver and Cameron's wife in unison
Sorry, but James is only into Japanese-sex-pillows now.
"Eww. Had I known they were going to touch me, I would have just sent my avatar." --(Sir?) James Cameron
Drew is great and prolific. He's one of my favorite musicians here in Utah. He's good live, too.
In a few seconds the real Oprah will step out and reveal that the "Oprah" in the picture is actually made of chocolate as well and is delicious.
Time to line up at, you guys.
"...which I'm always in the woods." I just liked the way she said it. It's as if she's suggesting it's not eccentric behavior just because she does it so much. Also I like the quick cuts to her dogg collar.
I guess we can add an "L" to the triple X if Sherri Shepherd is still on the show.
It might mean that the list of jobs you've had is comparable to Morgan Freeman's list of jobs as outlined in Ian's slick flowchart (is that a flowchart? Should flowchart be two words--flow chart?).
We talked about the uncanny valley in my Lit Theory class today. Apparently it's a real thing in robotics, and not just something Frank makes up on 30 Rock. Regardless, I couldn't help thinking about it in terms of Star Wars.
We used to make fun of one of my (aggressively perverted) friends who had a CTR ring because his mom bought it for him, and he thought it made him look rich, because it was sterling silver or something. The most common joke was: for you, CTR means "choose the right hand." Is that still funny? I can't really tell. It was ninth grade, after all.