
I think it might have been. I heard... squelching.
Ha, that's exactly what I thought. Charlie Hunnam read the book and phoned his agent and was like, "get me out of this. I don't care what you have to do". Et voila: immersive TV schedule. Run like the wind, kiddo.
Wait, when were they on the underground? Why was I not there?
Yeah, Miriam's the coolest. The two sides of the debate were basically men going, "not true". And women going, "oh yes it is". To be fair, men get labelled too. But I think sometimes those labels are less restrictive.
This was what led to my earlier debates:
I have already had this debate three times today! And I am all fired up to have it again! YES!
Emma? Emma? If you're out there!
Wait, I thought it was Emma Watson? I can't keep up. Back to the knitting for me, past it at 32.
Can't believe I didn't think of this yesterday: SNAKE HABITAT TURN AROUND
I should point out, my company tweets 'publicly', as it were.
Agreed. I'm glad you said that. Dumb comment, and why I say 100m times every single day, WRITE TWEET. STOP. READ TWEET. STOP. READ IT AGAIN. Then post your comment if you're really sure. She just needed to do the reading bits a few times over.
Sorry lambs. I was making sure my colleague - who just fell down the stairs and broke her ribs - and my cousin - who just was in a bike accident - were OK. That should tell you all you need to know about why we have more trampoline accidents.
Just that they'll be working in bars. It's nothing interesting, sadly.
(No sarcasmo. Genuine question. In case us foreigners have misunderstood!)
Oh, agreed. It was like, HELP! I haven't got anything in my brain! What do people normally say at this point?! We in the media can be blamed for a lot of stuff. But I don't think anyone on TV, internet, radio, newspaper, you name it, actually made all this happen. Did they?
That for sure, I just meant there are different national stereotypes. Like how you guys think we all have bad teeth, for example ;)
I think it's going to be pretty much the same story, but I guess they will have to do different types of characters because an Australian bar owner possibly doesn't translate in the same way it does here. We are expecting new series March 2014...
All of the executives are the same, I think, so I have some hope. And Catweazle, don't forget series two! You have THREE chances!
Even though you're an elected representative sir, you still don't have to be a patronising piece of! (And do NOT get me started on blaming the media for this one)
And why are there dead women in the female top 50, and no dead men in the male one? Because James Stewart. Don't be fooled, this is what really runs the country.
Not just a great result for British stars, it's a great result for BRITAIN. Look at us over here, with our functioning government and at least five sexy people.
By the way, it was proper terrifying back then. I can laugh now but when you're a kid and your mum is scared, you feel it.
Not really either, badideajeans. It was just signposted as a place of interest. Certainly nothing special for Hallowe'en, this would have been easily 18 years ago and it's only in the last 10 years or so that it became a big thing here. Plus it was summer, I am sure it was summer. I am going to phone my folks to see what they remember, ready for the spooky thread!
Sorry! No. It was not meant to be a haunted house! It was just supposed to be a nice trip out to learn about history or whatever. It felt a bit odd in there, like it was pretty empty for a stately home (think crap version of Downton) and it was really cold, even though it was summer (don't say, yes, you were in the UK!) Anyway long story short, we got home and my mum and my sister definitely reckoned they saw something. And I can never find that place on a map now. Like it doesn't exist, maybe?
They're the best/worst kind of experiences! Like the time my extremely rational parents took us to a haunted house and it was only when we got home that they were like, what the hell just happened there?
Heat Magazine has a new feature called Cumberwatch, I thought of you...
Ha, I love that. "BLEEEEP! Why did the earthlings not care? BLEEEEP!" (def. how aliens speak)
I only just got over reading about this on Sunday! Not again! Now even the reflection of my lights in my window is terrifying me!
Oh, um, look, I would love to, I really would, but I'm all booked up for today. Let me just look at the diary... I think we have some space round about, say, 2020? Would that do?
He seems pretty strong. I reckon he can sort out a few congressmen, no bother.
Hey America, you OK over there? Seriously, I'm worried about you. We can send strong British menfolk over if that's any help?
Sarah, hi! Welcome! Sorry about Gordon Ramsay! We gave you so many great things, but we also gave you that. You know the drill by now - identify your British men. We'll be over by the water fountain.