
I was just thinking of showing this to friend of mine in the UK who happens to be a young, brown, muslim man and can't understand why I laughed at his expressed desire to move there.
Also, aren't most 92 year olds pretty much actual adult babies anyway?
Wrongo. Scotland is in Britain. He just ain't English.
It's the Romanian touch. They magically make everything look 20 years out of date.
Romanian, actually. And to be totally fair, Vancouver >>>>Romania on the scenic waterfronts tip.
It's cat videos. Anything can be anything. Boom, solved
Three cheers for Soft "Michelle" Gabe!
Looks like plain ol' 3x1 ribbing to me.
I actually understood it as, he would know all about small things being unimpressive - since he "can't understand" how something small could be impressive. Oh, and [hilarious internet meme].
Nice job.
This person needs to re-evaluate their life choices:
Jesus, what kind of meds did that eye doctor give you??
Actually, um, remember how he was getting "too comfortable" watching the moistmaker...?
Wow, how'd they give Charlie that realistic drug addict pallor??
On second thought, that might have been beneath his dignity.
And couldn't he have gone tanning in the underpants instead?
Damn, I want in on THAT marriage!
It's a pretty solid argument, actually.
Top three moments: 3. Tan lines 2. Ball jiggle 1. Obvious basement
I went to middle school with a Janet Pym. She was nice, I'm sorry to hear about this.
I especially appreciate the care taken to incorporate the bangs in the lower right
Wow, your degree sounds super useless. It doesn't have ANYTHING to do with James Franco.
Either that or the "aboot"
You know, in all honesty, he's really got me thinking. The wondrous physical manifestations, both great and small, of our unknowable universe do - and I think we all know this, deep down - point to the existence of a patriarchal Christian god who hates fags and rape victims.
Plus kitchen appliance humper was some hot, today in sentences you never knew you'd say until the internet
I'm going to get a tattoo that says "From Marky Mark to Movie Star/Mogul: The Mark Wahlberg Makeover", you know, to renew my hope in literature, and get dates.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but she is married to an actual prince.
There goes my habit of using Explosions in the Sky to fall asleep!