
Puerto Rico: What's the deal?
So much hate, so little completed secondary education.
Look at this Fucking Hipster:
Disney has already filed for a trademark.
I think Isaah Mustafa would make a better Power Man LOL!!! (I am a pariah)
Name-calling doesn't solve much, but it feels so good.
These look pretty good. At that's coming from someone who read a textbook on screenwriting!!
At least it's whisper quiet.
But seriously, I remember watching The Flintstones reruns on TBS (before it was Very Funny). I was but in short pants and would watch anything animated because COLORS! When I matured to the ripe-old age of 6, I realized the jokes (the ones I understood) were a little stale, but still, a memory had been made. A memory strong enough to where I am dismayed at this news. Stephen Baldwin and Rosie O'Donnell already did their parts to bury this franchise, just leave it be.
That's what I ask the tear-blurred image in the mirror every day.
I live in the Pacific Standard Time Zone and work bunches of jobs and hours, so I have to TiVo Videogum. Just wanted to wish Gabe a Happy 3rd Birthday. Almost all of the comments for foodreviewers food review of Fruit Gushers got my upvotes this week. I was laughing so hard, I was crying; because of y'all, my neighbors think I have problems.
Morgan Spurlock couldn't make it a month, and what is this kid, like 11?
What's the difference between the microbes swimming around the hydrothermal vents in Europa's under-ice oceans and Earthlings? Dignity.
Smart, Sane, Love: Two recently engaged college graduates look for packaged tours online well in advance of their honeymoon. Tertiary stud character undergoes painful genital wart removal treatment.
I once took my tea high, but I still had a nasty case of cottonmouth.
"But who will foment our political unrest?" - Human garbage
Trump is actually pretty close to my favorite write-in vote candidate:
Who? Just kidding, I know it's Spider-man's frenemy.
I used to be against cat baths until I had a cat with dingleberries. Now, I can't say enough about cat baths.
"...but sometimes I might ask you to stand naked and hold my TV while I play a first-person shooter. After a half hour of this, we'll get back to the whole equals saving the world thing. I really appreciate it and please don't tell any of your friends..."
Matt Lauer! No, wait, he's already on the show. Ann Curry! No, wait. Al Roker! Shit! I got nothing.
Someone with real talent doesn't have to rely on all those swear words.
Bad reviews? But won't that take the Sheen off Two and a Half Men? If nobody reads a pun, does it still play on words?
What's a Muggle? But seriously, I'm looking forward to senility, so I can ask this question with integrity.
She was reaching for a jar of well-organized rubber bands, and I was just there checking the cable; I felt guilty and called the next day. That's how she became my girlfriend.
An apocalyptic wasteland wanderer shall unbury a barely functional computer. Are there survivors to be located? No. A record of the last days? No. Is there a website to keep this lonely traveler company? Yes. Yes there is.
Weiner should start the anti-Tea Party - Weiner's Pea Tarty.
How many Koreans got carpal tunnel drawing this crap?
This reminds me of a reality TV show I had in the works: Moe Jillionaire.
Videogum After Dark. I don't know what it would be, but that's my suggestion.
Happy Pony Day Everybody! Take it from me; the authorities prefer it if you wear more than just a bit and bridle when you pony play.
Odor in the court!
You can sympathize, Congressman Six-figures, but don't you dare empathize.
Somebody tell Congressman Rotgut that living clientele are better for repeat business.
But pony leg is such a delicious cut of meat, it was worth it. Thank you, Midnight, your sacrifice was enjoyed.
I hope this isn't doing anything for me.