
Oh, come on, Britney. We all half-wanted Walt to win but the simple fact is he's NOT THAT INNOCENT
I thought Kate McKinnon's GTA obsessed mom stole the show. "Suck it or get shot dead either way you're gettin shot dead" made me laugh so hard. Also, say what you will about child stars, but you can wind them up and let them go.
I've already seen Cabin in the Wood but I'm gonna watch it again, because it's great!
I have a hunch this would be sort of traumatizing, but I really have nothing to bass it on.
Well, Todd, you are a fat dumbfuck, but you must also be honest.
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for. Don't tell me it's not worth dyin' for. You know this much is true. Everything I do. "I did it for me."
Don't let the Hanks go by Could have been easier on you I shouldn't have hidden all of the blue Should have been easier by three Our old friend Flynn and you and Holly Methylamine Methylamine
What if Todd was one of us On a blog like one of us Just afraid of Walt and Gus And no 'Weird Science' on our phones
"I don't think you're meant to be rock stars" is the sown seed of moving away from home at 15 to become a rock star.
"There appeared to be a brief but notable period in 2013 during which noted dramatic actor Aaron Paul saying 'bitch' was considered the absolute fucking height of comedy." —Future Comedy Historians
I can't wait to read Videogum Recaps about how people felt about watching how people felt about watching television.
Allow me to brag and tell you guys that I'm actually going to be interviewing Benedict Cumberbatch this weekend, and I really think he will open up with me about his dating life. So I'm pretty excited and that means my day is good!
I think there's promise here, but I'm sort of skeptical. guess what I'm saying is ... I'm not Sauld.
How about this! Aaron Paul set up a contest where you can watch the Breaking Bad series finale with him and Bryan Cranston! Just remember to ask their permission before you hug them!
"Ah, nice orange flame!" -Jesse should win an award for ad-libbing what burning money looks like.
Might I suggest, "Looks like I'm finished with your bull, Sinestero." Which would really only work if it was a proper bullwhip, which is different from a regular whip I think? Maybe just stick with yours, just to be safe. Or just learn how to jump farther.
Maybe a little on the nose, but what about famed American-Iranian chef Najmieh BATMANglij?
One possibility:
Should I know who the guy with cornrows is, asking for a friend.
That is just about the most subversive and interesting that I've ever seen Andy Samberg, so let's call it a win.
Shailene Woodley dips a finger into her bowl of toothpaste and sticks it in her mouth. "Mmmm," she says, shaking her wind-toussled curls. "Not bad, but it still needs more leaves."
Max, this is my home, and I am going to attempt the hell out of that, don't doubt it.
Uh, Batman wears a mask so it doesn't even matter who plays him. Idiots.
I shall never see a poem as lovely as a book deal.
His taste in pranks stinks, but his taste in finding music that perfectly matches how funny this prank is is pretty spot-on.
BNPG: Ghost Books! Catch Twenty-BOO!
I'll be driving all day tomorrow and will miss the fun, but YCMIU have always been my favorite Videogum posts (besides WMOAT, maybe) so I feel like I get my just good-bye. Thanks for everything, Gabe! We love you!
I'll bet you anything Batmandict Cumberbatch's phone is ringing off the hook.
"Don't you enjoy meeting global celebrities?" "Well, that all ...Deppends."
Don't we agree that the hate on Michael Bay isn't so much owing to his concepts as much as his execution? Like, maybe Del Toro just gets better critical reviews because he's a better director, whether he's filming giant robots or nightmare creatures with eyeballs in their hands? I don't care if Michael Bay decides to film a Nelson Mandela biopic, it's still going to be greeted with open hostility.
Levar's face is the best face. But you don't have to take my word for it.
I think I'll just quote, verbatim, a truly incredible comment some girl left on my Facebook post of this screengrab. Cracker and ni**er are both slang. Can very used conversationally with no bad intent, but can also be used derogatively. It is wholly dependent upon context and intent. Hate speech can be as simple as me saying that the color of your shirt is ugly. I think society has become ridiculously hyper sensitive to anything a person or group could consider negative. Just a peek inside the mind of the post-racial generation.
About the sex scene thing. I actually read about the "Death of the Hollywood Sex Scene" or something like that recently. They said that R ratings are such profit killers that directors tend to shy away from filming sex scenes, which I don't really buy because, uhm, there are still a lot of R rated movies out there? However, this article also said that a lot of directors avoid making sex scenes because they just can't compete with the Internet and they comes off looking tame and forced, which makes a little more sense, I guess, but that assumes that all sex scenes are just there for pornographic titillation, which I don't think is the case at all (Basic Instinct is a good example). Essentially, this article interviewed a lot of people about why there aren't many sex scenes anymore, but I didn't find any of their answers particularly compelling. tl;dr: I don't know.