
Don't mess with Emmet Otter. I cry every year I that I drag it out and make my children watch it. "I know you can see the strings!" "Be quiet! Mommy is on the Nostalgia Train" - Christmas at my house
When I saw them running back to the campsite I was very annoyed. I can suspend disbelief about many things in the Zombie Apocalypse but not that your safe campsite is within spitting distance of the zombie hordes we previously had to have cool sports cars and trucks to get in and out of town with. I will still watch though because Andrew Lincoln!
I am glad you had a "near death" and not a "full death" experience because your comments are some of my favorites. (OK, not glad you had a near death experience, but you know what I mean...)
Um, Wait...what? I only watched up until pentagrams on the upper chest, blah blah blah...I gave up way too early I guess!
Same on the Daily Show. "What a drippy dick" is what I should have said but "What an asshole" is what I really said.
I will watch anything with Daniel Craig in it, no duh. Fingers crossed for a scene in which he has to take off his shirt... preferably in the rain, ocean or something.
It is every American's right to shoot out their own TV in their own house in a drunk blind rage if they choose to. This man's rights are being infringed upon! Where am I? Russia?
I thought he looked good. I am really into old guys though, so...
Can people stop jumping out of windows in movies like this? I do like the classic walking away from an explosion in slow motion though. That is hot.
Ha! You're right! I can still dislike her for being fake, even though I don't know my beers of the world very well.
Of COURSE she had to "down a pint of Guinness" to prepare to go on stage. She being very British and all. I had to down a bottle of rum to listen to her performance.
Tonight for dinner: Butter Burgers!!
I will always up vote Obi-wan Kenobi quotes.
Where do I buy this album? I am running down to the record store today before the line starts!
What about this: why are there no zombie movies in wintertime settings? It is always a beautiful spring, or summer season. I always wondered if the survivors wait until winter wouldn't the zombies freeze up? Am I thinking too much about this?
#1 you have to listen to a whole minute of this song to see censored ickiness? #2 Bing knows everything
Yahtzee is not sad; it is good times for good people and you get to yell YAHTZEE!
I am just so glad to be here. I love you guys. (obviously had my rum and coke fix.)
I knew someone would come through. Cutest banana ever!
Why won't anyone send me a picture of a banana? Delicious, and good for you!
There is nowhere to sit! Otherwise, looking good! (a garbage can would be nice though. better art. some cable twist tie thingys. this is depressing)
I wish when I bought my house I only had to sign my name once. I did sign my name 300 times in blood though.
Another sad typo: "But now his life leaves him." Awww.
I felt some strange jealousy reading this.
I know I am super late to the party but I watched this show for the first time last night trying to decipher a few things. I have read all the recaps but: Are we supposed to hate Betty? Because I hated her. (And are those all of her kids? All three?)
I was watching this with my kids and they were both mesmerized, then sad, then full of heartbreaking questions.
Bing's dancing video suggestions are making me uncomfortable.
And "Geoffrey" is out out out.
That is my boyfriend and I can tell you he hasn't hit da booty in some time.
Maybe this video is for bald, aging, panhandling, alcoholics who are forced to have roommates. Don't judge!
Sorry but: Elisabeth Hasselback (sp?). Her life better, ours worse.
First of all if this is real, (and it is so so fake) could the announcer lady try to suck more of the wind of the sails of the "real" winner? So much so that they start apologizing to her?
My thoughts exactly....I scrolled down to see if anyone had caught on that this child is most definitely not a baby.
This is one of my top ten favorite recaps. I am definitely never going to watch this show.
"You don't 'get' it." - Gwyneth Paltrow
Don't forget yet another reason to hate this show: Sexpionage. Ugh.