
I'm sorry, I must strongly disagree with this nomination. I will concede that sometimes the dialogue is a little ham fisted, but there are some great meditations on aging and growing apart from your family in that film. It might not deliver yucks every ten seconds, but I think it still ranks as a great film.
Maybe a chain of Dentist's offices? Turn those winterteeth into Summerterth at Wilco's Family Dentistry Office!
Oh, and unrelated: a brief complaint about the current ads - I usually don't mind and understand that you gotta pay the bills with them, but when I try to log in and am prompted to watch a Nike ad instead, it's frustrating and a bit of a deterrent to actually signing in to comment or anything else. Just FYI.
The XX cover is so good. It's not that they changed the chilly mood of the original, or added a bigger arrangement, or even stripped it down much more than it already is. But putting just a touch more emotion into the vocals brings the song out of the black and into the blue (so to speak). I love it.
Wait, is the Team Dresch entry a cover of the Queen song? What's wrong with the original? While we're on the subject, the glorious "Under Pressure" should be on this list. But hey, I think that song should be listed as one of the top ten songs of all time, so I might be biased.
The "Ka-ZAM!" Sunday comic on that page, that includes a real gem of a Coconino County-esque landscape, and is my favorite Calvin and Hobbes strip, absolutely. Bless your heart, Werttrew, for making this happen.
I'm not sure if this cover works for me. Maybe I'm too used to hearing the Prince version after listening to it 700 trillion times, so the fleshed out arrangement sounds a little bit wrong. Ah but Prince, the greatest! O Prince my Prince! our fearful trip is done, The song has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won, The show is near, the synths I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady beat, the melody grim and daring...
Yeah, I say give it time Baby Friday. As someone who doesn't get to check Videogum that often and usually after the fact of every post, I can say that everything comes out in the wash, that someone shoots all the commentators and god does the upvoting, that things eventually even out on the positive side, with a few detractor downvotes but still, this site is so overwhelmingly positive you should all be proud. And as someone who comments more on Stereogum, where a comment that takes 10 drafts and two hours of revision to get the perfect wording will get +1 at best, the eventual upvotes on this site are still remarkable.
I'm getting multiple LOLs from this one, Steve. Excellent work.
Yeah, I used to be terrified of the Coneheads when I was a child. Every time I saw them on TV, I would calmly get up from the couch and go sit under the kitchen table. Makes perfect sense, if you think about it.
Will it be edited to be perfectly in sync with the latest Brokencyde album?
The Lollipop Guild will now be the Ring-Pop Guild. Crazily, this is the most "modern" candy I can think of. What do kids rot their teefs with these days?
Hah! I can see it now...What's the deal with this train!?! This train is in vain! First you said you'll stand by your man, but now not at all! I'll tell you what you are: you're a no-stander! Can't stand it! Not at all!
It would have been his birthday today. :(
Earlier, I was sort of in the "nah it's just a ploy to make more money" camp, which I still think is true in a sense, but thanks to this news I came home from work and had a drink and listened to the Beatles. And it was good. I still have yet to find another artist from this Earth who evaporates my cynicism as quickly and completely as the Beatles. All You Need Is Love, kids.
I would like to introduce you to 10 billion teenage girls who lived between the years of 1964 and 1969.
Ahem. You got something against Dog Man Star, sheep?
Mrs. Versus, M'amm, I would like to say right now that you are doing a good thing delurking, because that Mary Worth avatar is everything an avatar should be.
Wow, I'm completely taken aback by this song. Mostly because I was expecting a one-off dumb Christmas single sounding like a B-Side from the Wild Thornberrys soundtrack. But no way. This is pretty good, actually, especially liking the vibrating guitar coming in and out through the song.
Well sure this has taken a while, but how much longer will we have to wait for the flying car replica of John Lennon's psychedelic Rolls Royce?
I think these were just bad performances, that's all. But hey, it happens to the best of em. Ever seen the Rolling Stones SNL from the late 70s? Awful! Keith Richards and Ron Wood can barely see straight, and Mick Jagger does the worst Mick Jagger impression I've ever seen. At least Arcade Fire and co. got to wear some pretty snazzy Tron: Legacy Limited Edition Nudie Suits.
I don't watch much Glee, but seeing this clip and a few others, I too am bothered by all the digitizing of the human voice. From what I've seen, it seems like pretty much everyone except for Lea Michele (Spring Awakening, never forget) gets auto-tuned to hell. Which in the normal pop world happens more often than you realize, but this is a show about a glee club. The focal point of a glee club is the human voice in all its imperfections. Why don't we just make a spin-off show about an all robot a cappella group?
Well, considering my style of smang, let's count it out: ZIP...POW...HEART...JAIL. Shucks, only 4. Does foreplay count? If so, then I think we can add BRICK to the beginning.
Saying "forget" instead of "fuck" is a bad idea no matter who is singing it, because it's two syllables instead of one! It makes the rhythm too awkward. So many other monosyllabic words to replace "fuck," and they didn't do it: screw, bone, smoosh, smang...
While we're in Led Zeppelin land, should we just go ahead and put Lez Zeppelin on the list? Though I've never seen them so I have no idea what the status of their pronouns is, I think the intent should give them at least an honorable mention.
Looking back on it, the Jay Leno method is especially insidious because he tried to use the memory of Kanye's recently deceased mother to invoke guilt over an incident that was not a big deal at all. And for what, so that they can vault themselves up to a position of moral authority and say to Kanye "there now, don't you feel better?"
Nothing personal Scrote! But you must admit, lurking in window reflections is just going to startle some people, that's all! I think it was Sartre who once said that the scariest thing imaginable is sitting at home on a quiet evening, alone, and looking up at the window to see another face smiling back at you...which is frightening because hell is other people, so who wants to have company bothering you when you're trying to read a book?
I don't have much to add to anything here, as I agree that Matt Lauer should be ashamed of himself for how he is practically begging for that apology, to humble the great Kanye West, but I gotta say that I think the Stereogum analysis of Kanye West here and in the PE have been pretty stellar. It's made for some good reading lately. Gold Stars for Robot Boys (and Girls)!
Is the faux pas that she is a cute girl wearing cute shoes? Such a typical cute girl move, to wear cute shoes.
I think it's actually going to very strange when the Simpsons gets canceled, and for all the "DO IT NOW!" that is said by the generation that grew up on the Simpsons and hates to see it decline into such mediocrity (myself included), having it actually done will be much more strange than simply ignoring it on Sunday night. We all have complicated relationships with the Simpsons now, but I can say that my soul is not prepared for a world in which I only get 5 chances a night to see the show in syndication, without that new episode on Sunday nights.
Yikes, the man in the reflection in the window needs to get out of that picture and into my nightmares.
Also, note the motion blur around his hands. Could he have been doing a little jig right there in the museum? Does somebody love renaissance art so much they can't help but do a little dance whenever they see it?
Finally, proof that he WAS there, and that it WAS happening!
This song builds like a champion. Clearly someone in Wolf Parade played with their Legos (TM) VERY WELL when they were younger. The intro was great, but then it just sort of stagnated for a while, however thanks to that build by the end I was so on board with this song I almost forgot to pack my iPod! And thank the gods it's Friday or else I wouldn't have been so exhausted form the work week to include all of that awful metaphor and not delete a single word. No regrets.
Given some time to interact with the Girls tune, I must admit I'm just a touch disappointed with the "production." Listening to the first album, I always kind of thought there was a grand pop majesty lurking somewhere beneath the bare strumming and simple, direct melodies. But this song, while it's still good, is also just sort of average in terms of arrangement. I wanted big like Scott Walker, something to fulfill all the pop potential in the melodies, but it sounds like they just sort of added some studio musicians and a few after effects. I'm still excited about the full album, though.
I hear you on that. The Crystal Castles song especially, mostly because I have not liked anything I've heard from Crystals Castles before. But listening to this tune with Robert Smith, I sat there in front of the computer arguing with myself, real angel and devil on the shoulder type of stuff, about why I shouldn't like it (damn you judgmental Devil!) but I love hearing Mr. Smith and the song serves his voice so well, just listen to your heart (says the Angel!) and so here I am, enjoying the hell out of the song.
Jesus, but this is great. I'd like to hear it at sundown when you've had a cloudy day, all day, and just as you understand that the light is going and the sun is dropping though you can't see it, there is a break in the clouds at the horizon, and for as little amount of time as possible there is sunshine and a perfect cloudy sunset. The song is just the right length for something like that, too. So what I'm saying is, on every cloudy day, at sunset, expect to find this mouse in his living room perched over his record player, watching the horizon just in case the clouds break, needle in his hand, waiting to drop it when he sees the sun.
How about: No Genre Left To Play? Girls & Fela-Lovin' Boys? Afrobeat Sad Ballad Men? and I told myself when I woke up this morning I wouldn't exhibit my Blur fanboy-ism.
Ah, so Brian Eno must have drawn the old "Don a Wig and Interview Yourself in an Online Satirical Video" Oblique Strategy card.