
I really wish we had the foresight to get a larger boat. Too late now...*sigh*
If you could please tell me your father's name and his occupation it would be appreciated.
Please hurry to the helicopter
That's what I love about these young students. They don't get older while I do. They're a joy.
Are you listening to me? I'm not yet finished with my association with you. I'm going to make you rather uncomfortable.
Your mother has become all too familiar with men during her stay here.
Snakes...I'd prefer if it wasn't snakes but it's alright I guess
General Zod, if you have the time, could you please step outside...and watch your step. Thanks.
San Dimas High School Football is a worthy competitor
I haven't been nodded at like that since graduate school.
It was just that one night. My husband and I are back together, you have to respect that and leave me alone.
The cat just saw (type in filthiest thing you can think of *extra points for Topher Grace or internet nerd reference*) mudkips?
I like that his southpaw ring is on his right hand.
Hope they shoot it in iMax for when JLo recreates Goldie's bending over in a thong scene.
Dick towel: Makes you dirty as you get clean
Does anyone really believe a father that would do this to his children will actually have the money around when the child is old enough to go to college? Ten dollars says the kid turns out worse than the gosselin kids raised by Gary Coleman at the Jackson reunion.
This video sexually excites me. Look at their soft clean fur, their little puppy legs... Imagine their fur all matted and sticky afterward
It comes with three other pinball machines that are constantly fighting with each other about who the Bill Paxton pinball machine likes more.
What retarded movies? All I could think of is Forrest Gump and the Other Sister. You can throw Tropic Thunder and that Johnny Knoxville movie (all of them) but they don't really count.
I promise to upvote this whenever you post it. Be like that Amelia guy.
Even the cult of Isis is represented. Very harmonious.
Please downvote that one. I apologize
I still don't comprehend how Pauly Shore still gets into these parties? Does he do the catering? Topher's serious face:
It's late but I had to throw this in:
Isn't this the same plot of True Lies/Mr. and Mrs. Smith? Only starring this guy
St. Pat's, the only day where stereotyping and prejudice is encourage. It's ok, I have a lot of Irish friends. and a picture of Bono in my wallet.
I remember asking a cop on 9/11 where I could give blood and he told me to go to hell, which is weird since I thought they had rivers of it there.
I'm glad the jokes immediately go to Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves. Shows what most people think of surfing.
The people have spoken
Those tampons are punk rock. Great for throwing onstage.
Pigeon: "Better than the vomit I usually eat off the sidewalk...but not by much"
This movie is like a recruiting film for NAMBLA. Whenever I hear somebody talk about how great it is (Usually someone that enjoys Anne Geddes, Robin Williams and Beanie Babies) I bring how the weird old man/young girl/old woman/young boy sexuality going on. How fucked up is it that she nurses the guy that used to be her husband, the guy she fucked that is now a baby and then he dies after she sticks him up her pussy*. Roll credits. * How the movie really should have ended if they wanted to be accurate.
This is hilarious. I'm speechless. Who the hell hits an old man that runs back inside and locks the door? Like that?! Here's a snowball! STOP LOOKING AT MY STORE!!! *snowball at the camera*
Y'all should stop pickin' on that there Blue Collar Com'dy. Them's good folks what laugh at them redneck jokes.
Ah Blue Collar Comedy, it seems like just yesterday that you mocked your first gay person. Where did the time go?
I guess you can make skinny people jokes but not fat jokes. I get it now. Very fair.
On no he dint