
SPACED GIF! There should be more Spaced gifs in the world! Topher Grace thinks so.
You know, I never noticed that Luke is played by one of (all of) the Beatles circa-Hard Day's Night.
...Or, what happened when the Terminator went back in time to kill Hitler.
It may be predictable, but hey, I'm still listening to MPP over and over and Kid A probably had more influence on ~*~the future of music~*~ than any other album did this decade. I don't get this idea that people vote for things because they think they are supposed to vote for them in order to be hip. Maybe a lot of people just think Merriweather Post Pavilion is a great album. And that Keyboard Cat deserves to play people off in the annals of history. (What?) That doesn't mean we don't have room in our hearts for the Gathering of the Juggalos and like, Stankonia. Let's just all wear our tuxes in harmony! Right.
Didn't the Daily Show do a segment on Richard Cohen a while ago? I seem to remember Ed Helms or a Corddry being cuddled by this guy. But ugh, I can't WAIT to see Rachel take this guy down. Lots of Barf.
I didn't even know I'd actually made a profile until just now, but yeah -- I've been an invisible monster for months and months now too. We can show up with "Relax, technojeremy" shirts and everyone will embrace us into the fold.