
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Indians
"I'd buy THAT for a dollar" You don't have to buy it, kid, it's halloween.
"Also, Go White Sox!" -Jon Faveraeueuaue
I made this my computer's desktop picture. Thank you, butterpranks.
"Lively and Funny (exclamation point)"? I have poor eye sight, but whomever said that at the LA Times better be fired by now.
I saw him do stand up last year at Zanies. It was like an unfunny version of what he plays on 30 Rock. God Bless Tina Fey. This is my cat, Timmie. He's in the running for the fattest. He sits like people.
Too regional? Come on 30 somethings from the midwest!
How does this one not have more upvotes? Come on, people!
Purple Passion of the Christ
I once tried to call a phone sex line and ended up voting for David Artuleta instead (that's a person, right?)
I got really nervous at first because he looks exactly like my grandfather. Is it racist that I now think all grandfathers look alike?
Bynes is really doing a bang up job in her whirl wind promotion of EASY A.
Didn't Gwenyth promise on GOOP that she was retiring from acting to raise an Apple farm, or something?
Sadly, that's how I lost my real pony, Princess Sniffles.
Also, where was the spoiler alert about Angelo? I wanted to be genuinely shocked when he dies next week. Now I am going to be looking for it the whole time.
Am I the only one who read the article and all they gleamed from it was that Gabe is coming to Chicago!?!? #nottrue
"Baby, up your butt with a coconut" but I saw no coconut. There was no coconut to my knowledge.
Is this the Hidden Cove?
Her head gets decimated. At first I thought the watermelon "Scanner"ed her face off.
That throwing stick has boomerang'd on us!
At least they're not going the George Foreman route and giving everyone the exact same name...
Sorry. I guess Big Willy loves BtVS
I didn't know the Fresh Prince was a fan of
So, no more free pitchforks?
...and queue the gif of Liz and Buzz yelling...
So when Conan retires his replacement will be CONAN with Jay Leno #teamcoco
It's actually like the new Netflix app, but it only plays Leonard: Part 6 over and over and over...
Please locate the closest Jell-O pudding snack.
Can someone dig up the original Transformers cartoon that they added quick cuts to in / or around 1996? I remember watching them in my high school History class because our teacher was the football coach and he didn't give a care.
Especially that baby. Babies should know better.
I'm calling it. Life as we Know It. Reason: Duhamel and the baby are in undies / diapers and wearing shoes. That means they made a conscious effort to look like that.
I would prefer "The Family Shore" where they put a dotted line path behind Ronnie when he's drunk and stumbling all over the place.
Sofie's Choice all over again.
It is really just DS3M, so be careful. Where is that dude today?
Is calling something a "thing" a thing?
I saw this a couple weeks ago and it was very funny. Charlie Day 3rd billing, Sudekis 4th billing. Nuff Said!