
Sounds like someone didn't score well on their SATs...
Is anyone else kinda hoping Michael Emerson (Ben) replaces Steve Carell on the Office?
When I grow up, I want to be the Prince of Persia!
Now someone add the gif of Djmon getting an axe to the face from Deep Rising.
When are the going to cook turtles in a half shell...?
Looks like I have to throw my shirt away (still a proud Iowan!)
Seems the listed buyer is one Jason Lenostein. Weird.
What do you think about that cleavage, Paul?
I hope someone named that cat Wilfurrd Brimley
I will show myself the door.
Don't be embarassed, Paul. It happens to the best of us.
That's gonna be a lot of candles. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher present.
Ohhhhhh somone is turning the big NINE OH! Happy Bird(ie)day!
I haven't had HBO for 3 weeks and I feel like I've been given a new lease on life.
Maybe because he knows her by her real name Noelle or whatever that walking pumpkin nightmare's name is. They're really tight.
I think they look nice? Are those Rustler jeans? Yes, the lesser known evil cousin of Wrangler.
At least we now know how videogum paid to send Gabe to ComiCon. With jeans!
That tugboat is watching. Like a total perv.
My gold pants are too tight and I can't close my wallet with all these hundreds in it!
I like all the captions, but this is the only one that actually caused me to LOL.
Max is really blowing it. He didn't photograph you and your frowny face with the panel in the background.
I think you should just continue to post you in front of stuff with that face you're making. That's enough updating for me. Then the final post in 3 days is you smiling with Harry Knowles....
I happened upon this gif post whilst listening to New Order's Blue Monday. I highly suggest syncing it up.
Talkback Mountain Is it in the 800?
Nice. I just finished my 3rd time through the whole DVD set. That finale is all-time best. Who's the geek now?
Qwerty Woman (this may have already been done by I will be damned if I am going to read through 493 comments)
I wish Michael Bay's picture was on the side of this newspaper vending machine.
He's in Chitown every so often to catch a Cubs game. My co-worker (50+ lady) danced with him at Lalo's one night. They hung out and had drinks. As much as I would love to meet Bill Murray, it would not be worth it to hang out with my co-worker for one second longer than a typical work day.
Toilet 105 is actually a remake of an American film...
I wish they had posted the whole video where the baby starts and it is a whole watermelon. Truly an amazing sight to see.