
I don't want to see this movie, because I'm totally Bill Murray as Scrooge.
I just blue myself. :(
"By the way, he/she/it's wearing eyeliner" is a new insult.
I signed in just to up-vote this.
omg you've made me laugh at loud every single time in this thread. i think that means i owe you my first child or something.
It looks pretty great to me, and I dig the animation, too.
Wow, maybe I need a nap.
Omg, now that you brought it up, I can't stop giggling. What does Gabe mean? I mean, I get that babies sleep; does he mean that the poster is sleepy? This Motherhood Poster Need to Lie Down for a Little While, just doesn't have the same funny.
I don't know if y'all noticed, but I don't like signing in. I'm always late, anyway, so I figured it didn't matter. But now Gabe's taken away my voter privileges. And I'm mad. Yeah.
I guess that's why I kinda don't see what's so ~zany or interesting about this premise. Yeah, people get knocked up all the time. Sometimes they have age differences. It's called life and IT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE.
Gabe, I know you think that white people complaining about being white makes for awful drama, and I always assumed it was because you were very much a realist. But you've seemed to fall - somewhat reluctantly, I admit - into the trap of thinking that being pessimistic makes you realistic. Yes, yes, your job is to dissect popular culture and to keep in-touch with the internet and you wonder if it's made you jaded to the wonders of the world, blah, blah, blah. You wrote this in the second person, so you obviously know that everyone has these same thoughts, and that part seems to bother you the most. So get over it. You're nothing special, but you've a soapbox that most people don't get, so don't take it for granted.
I like the Alia love. She's such a cutie. And I even like Ellen too.
If by "competent" you mean all over the fucking place, then yes, you would be correct.
...But I want them back. :( Why is it so hard for them to get a tv show? I mean, Bob does all the online stuff for Adult Swim. Why don't they get a show there?
I'm the biggest Bob and David fan in the galaxy (hyperbole!) but I wasn't that impressed. I could see why they nixed it.
If they're Jay fans, Three's Company's way too edgy for them.
How old's your kid? I know the books are marketed to the tween crowd, but that's only because Meyer has a sixth-grade grasp of the English language. If you haven't read them, I suggest that you do and talk to her about them because they're pretty terrible/sexist. /concerned rant
I didn't know people could be anti-grammar.
I know you hate, Kathy, but Anderson really does seem to like her.
I don't think anyone was pretending that it wasn't shopped (like it was from an actual level or anything), they were just pointing out how close the shapes were.
I hadn't even heard of this show. I'm late to this post so I'll be brief. 1) KotH actually is pretty awesome. (I am from TX, though.) 2) This show was kind of bumpy, but this is the pilot, right? Maybe it'll straighten itself out. But what do I know. I liked Sit Down, Shut Up. 3) Office Space >>>> Idiocracy (though both are good)
I met him irl, and really the only thought I came up with was, "Damn, he looks young."
I do too, but only in the private of my own bedroom.
That's not even a character that Piven plays - that's his real personality.
I'm pretty sure you have a Degree from the school of Missing the Point.
I've never really watched this show but that was pretty funny. It was a very basic kind of sketch, but it was well-executed.
I liked him ever since he told Kirsten Stewart that her cat was going to die.
Bill Cosby, another member of Langford's to-do list. I think if he was a Dad in a sitcom in the '80s, I'm on top of that.
So you're looking forward to it then?
I saw a pic of Daniel Craig's pee pee and it was :( but maybe he's a grower...?
I hate anyone who genuinely likes anything about this series. Life's too short for me to deal with morons.
Hello my new favorite movie of all time!
Is it wrong that the "rimshot" kind of threw me for a second, if you know what I mean?
Alan Thicke's on my to-do list, if you know what I mean. Which is that I want to have sex with him.
Dude, Where's My Car so mindbogglingly perfect that I honestly don't know how this is going to hold up in comparison. And I love Zach Galinfransiznkaiolakdjlf.
The great thing about pizza is that it's so flexible. Say I like pepperonis - you don't! We get it half pepperoni/half pineapple and we all go home happy.