Don't forget that guy who was on that sitcom with Alan Thicke . . . I can't remember his name.
yeargh, Reality Bites does win this contest. I had forgotten I'd seen it. Except Jeanine Garafalo rocks.
Pam, it is common practice in the Garden State to make shirts out of wallpaper, just like in the plantation state it is common practice to line your walls with printed cotton fabric.
All I could think of was Sergeant Carter yelling, "I can't heeeaar you!"
I have only been reading and hanging here for a month or so, but I loved this week's guest bloggers as much as I love that usual dude, Dave? Awesome job, y'all!
Denver couldn't help it. Macy should have stopped him!
It's so cool, it's totally awesome!
I love that story!
So, no Top Chef All Stars? But I was all prepared with my Richard Blais as Eeyore pic (she says sadly). . .
Giggles - says ratchet
Ah, reminds me of the time a few years ago when my 7 year son hurt his ankle bouncing on a trampoline at a friend's house. I thought he just twisted his ankle and just took him home that night, put some ice on it, and put him to bed. (No supper for you, clumsy child! [JK!]) Next day my husband decided to take him to the doctor. That's right, broken ankle, cast for six weeks, split/boot thing for another four weeks. Mommy guilt from HELL! Trampolines = EVIL Also, I'm unable to watch people hurt themselves. AFV is very wince-ful. Except for that woman falling in the fountain at the mall. THAT was funny!
topknot, those kids on twitter are just insensitive jerks.
But what does this have to do with Kentucky?
I think my biggest disappointment was that Top Chef All Stars still has another episode! Everything's been crap since the Paula Deen episode.
That's just what I was thinking, "Choir bitch!" Hated them, secretly wished to BE them. Ugh.
and Gwyneth, have to blame Gwyneth.
Dennis Miller - Dark Chocolate, starts out sweet ends up bitter
Man, glad I live in Louisiana and not the OC. Ack! I live in Louisiana! Oh well, Mardi Gras, whew. In my twenties, I moved from Louisiana to SF thinking, "OMG, I'm gonna live in the coolest, hippest, progressivest (remember, I'm from Louisiana so don't know how to spell things) place ever." And then I met a bunch of conservative, right-wing nut jobs at my first job. Bummer, dude! Back in Louisiana now. Also bummer. True story.
"I wouldn't serve this soup to my cat"--Mike Isabella
"I just want to say one word to you - just one word.... 'Winning!'"
Gov. Walker and Gaddafi meet to discuss Charlie
OK, here it is!
"The Chilean Miners"-some kinda vidya game