
You guys have been watching commercials way too carefully.
This makes me want to watch Eternal Sunshine, and I don't know why, but it's a good thing.
It's all in the original post. -- Vacation Lindsay.
Nor did I see "Watchmen."
Haha, I watched that last night. And I am not dissing Role Models. I bought Role Models. I own Role Models. It's awesome. Duh.
Those guys sound like a self-selecting not-knowing-a-lot-of-people group, so that's fair.
My most recent cat post was February 27. (Ok, now back to vacation.)
I just disabled my Paul Rudd google alert. He's smothering me!
Yeah, probably. I'll be so glad when this weekend is over and I can go back to normalish!
This kid is awesome. He's probably been picked on his entire life. Let's not be those people. (um, Love, Mom.)
If you send to me I can put it back up
I will admit that when I first started reading this it got on my nerves too (because I very much know who NR was, and why her death is a huge loss), but if you actually READ THE ENTIRE THING you will find that it's not what it seems initially. 2009 should be the year of reading entire blog posts before wishing harm on the author's mother in comments.
That's an interesting story. Are you going to Bay To Breakers this year?
you are my rose You Are My Rose YOU ARE MY ROSE
hahaha, "we are the king." I forgot about that. Also, the chicken or egg speech what? Why does anyone even listen to him? He's the Michael Scott of Kings.
Sorry, puppy.
Oh, when I say it looks like a liveblogging party and then say what is that I'm making fun of the fact that I've had liveblogging parties, not saying I don't know who those guys are...oops, broke the Katherine Hepburn rule: never complain, never explain.
I was told it definitely has a theatrical release, but that could mean anything. I didn't infer it from the mpaa part.
Oh haha, this is the movie Sienna Miller was filming when she got in trouble for calling it "Shittsburgh."
oops, you're right. I've been getting that wrong for years. I could have sworn the title sequence said that but wikipedia can't be argued with.
This is probably still going to be a big deal.
Yes, it definitely (and obviously) is, but if you need further proof, Tim and Eric discuss his appearance in that Entertainment Weekly article from a few months ago.
I want to do Revolutionary Road aerobics.
Yeah, I did that once in the dining hall at summer camp to impress the boy I liked. That's how I learned that jumping up and down, screaming, and attempting to snort water through a straw is not sexy.
If you saw The Ten expecting Wet Hot 2, of course you were disappointed. Every single thing in a movie doesn't have to work perfectly (especially in a comedy) for that movie to be hilarious, and The Ten had at least 20 absolutely hilarious lines or scenes. I mean, come on, Adam Brody's Titanic line in the first five minutes? But the movie is a lot better the second time you watch it. I appreciate The Ten more with every viewing, actually.
It's really hard to fake-hate you when you work an Edge reference, a Grizzly Man reference, and a Mr. Show reference all into the same post.
I know, I'm sorry. It's over now. It is finished.
Yeah, this was not a diss on Demetri's show. Not sure why that became a thing.
Gabe's definition of "cougar" is the strictest in the biz. 23 and up.
I'll enter into a respectful agree-to-disagree with anyone who has seen and does not like the episode (Dec 4, 2008) where Sarah makes up her own slang. That's the line.
Hahaha. Maybe the director's cut includes "playing doctor."
But wouldn't you be a little annoyed? He is a person with feelings, after all.
But The Brady Bunch Movie was definitely better than The Brady Bunch.
It's just exactly as I'd always imagined!!!!!