
Dude, Where's My Period? (pre-birthday movies)
So... Cancer is cured now right? Like, it's gone because this video and stuff, correct?
It's like playing Lady Gaga singing Telephone to a Banana phone!
Glad to see you weren't Putin too much pressure on her.
Surprise! I think this video just raped me!
I hope that New Years movie ends with Michelle Pfieffer and Zac Effron having some kind of sexual encounter. If the Pfief still has some functioning eggs left, they'd have the most attractive, soft featured baby ever.
I first read this as a knock to this movie and I was all "Flames!! FLAMES ON THE SIDE OF MY FACE!!!"
I think we can all agree that the soundtrack to this was incredible. Job Brion for the win!
I liked the ending too! It reminded me of the first ten minutes of Star Trek and any reference to the beginning of that movie, even a possibly unintentional, not as good as the source material reference will merit some sort of emotional response from this guy *points thumbs to self*.
I totally agree with the Frank Millering of all comic book Superheroes. My friend's main complaint about the movie was that it was permeated with silliness (this friend is a total wet sandwich, btw). IT IS A SUPER HERO MOVIE! ABOUT A 90 POUND TWINK WHO GET'S INJECTED WITH A SUPER SERUM! I would have been upset/disturbed if they had tried to make it dark and edgy.
Yeah, Prince of Persia was a pretty awful movie.
NEVER watch this movie with your grandma.
Can Frances McDormand be my boyfriend instead?
Not to mention Officer Leo D'amato from Veronica Mars!!!
This show is so much fun. Busy Philips?! And if you have yet to play penny can, I strongly recommend you do so now.
Dr. Strange Glove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Mow the Lawn
Across the Petuniaverse
Some Like It 65 degrees Fahrenheit
I'm not entirely sure why this got a downvote, but I totally get what you're saying. It's a little shocking that shitty people stay shitty and continue to produce little shit eaters. What helps me is realizing that I'm a better person than those people(incredibly unhealthy) or that they're likely going through shit too, inflicted upon them by some other douche, and that they're actual human beings who I can empathize with. This happens very infrequently and most of the time I just conclude that those people are rotten to the core. Those asshole teenagers were probably just that, asshole teenagers who will either grow the fuck up and realize they are assholes, or become stock brokers.
I wish I started doing this about 11 months ago. I would have an effing novel.
I'm all about the #fuckhumanity hashtag. And I work at a random hospital and have never even thought about contacting HR. Mostly because I've convinced myself these people are not really worth my time, but if somebody in my situation is ACTUALLY feeling emotional pain because of their ass-hattery I should probably let someone in authority know about it. Thanks monster!
Virtual cake = the best/only cake on the internet, so thank you! And I'm moving in two months!!! And there are some gems who work here, so not everyone's the worst. Thanks for the cake, Feartle!
Is it bad that I thought this was the old man from moonstruck?
I am pretty much sitting in a puddle of tears at my place of work, waiting for one of my coworkers to call me a fag. Seriously. I work with grown ass adults and the gay quips and jokes have not stopped since I started working (I'm not gay, but am totally on board with making these fuck faces feel uncomfortable about my ambiguous sexuality). It's not that being called gay angers me, it's them thinking it's some kind of insult that drives me up the goddamn wall. Are we in junior fucking high?! Is this not 2011?! FUCK HUMANITY!!! Bullying is the absolute worst. I also got 3 hours of sleep last night and am in no state to deal with other human beings. Sorry. #grumpygum
Whenever I listen to Girl Talk at my parents house, my mom always says, "Can't we just listen to Beyonce, instead". I usually oblige her, but now I can't. Sorry, mom.
You'd think the creators of this game could have included a snitch, just throw old Loose Seal a bone.
I have a confession to make. I am a 20 year old college student, and I eat these things like it's going out of style. I'll see myself out...
TheFoodReviewer has yet to lose his sense of wonder, unlike so many monsters here.
I would give a lot of money(a dollar) to hear Bangs cover The Cars. Or at least sample them.
Bangs never, ever has a good time? He should just put on his own record and let the good times roll.
That lady has just been added to a long list of reasons why I'll never visit vegas.
So... Is Kristen Schaal seeing someone romantically right now? Because if not, I'm moving to wherever she lives and proposing to her every day until she says yes. Good idea? Good idea.
Can you nominate a movie you haven't seen all the way through? If so, I nominate "You and Me and Everyone We Know". I've only seen 15 minutes of it, but it is in my top 5 of least favorite movies.
I am so glad the internet was still dark and scary and not as accessible in my formidable years. 13 year old me would make "It's Zack" look like Ok, computer.
Tangled up in bluejeans
You missed all the cool stunts?