
As long as you don't think it is weird that I am outside your house, dressed as a pony, we are cool.
I've also seen you at Conversational Reading. I think maybe back when he was asking for input on his first big read and everyone was suggesting German novels. I assumed that was you also. Conversational Reading, The Millions and The Complete-Review are my three daily book blogs.
PT, I think I saw you on the Millions this morning. Am I wrong?
You spelled "See Barbara Mandrel in a Kroger" wrong.
No, it just means she's been to the Kentucky Derby afterparty.
I see she draws the line at crapping into a bag while pulling people behind her. We all have limits.
I feel certain that this is forbidden by either the Bible or the Constitution.
I'm just a bachelor (dressed like bondage pony), I'm lookin' for a partner Someone who knows how to ride without even fallin' off (as I pull them in a cart) Gotta be compatible, takes me to my limits (of this public parking lot) Girl when I break you off, I promise that you won't wanna get off (actually you will)
"What happened to my silly bandz?"
That's also why they spell it "Klan."
No, unfortunately.
These James O'Keefe videos just keep getting stranger and stranger.
My sisters are twins and when they were growing up, they would talk in their sleep to each other.
My favorite actors are: and
We live in a violent culture of bored consumers who have an appetite for misogyny, racism and hate as entertainment. Mel Gibson's antisemitic rants sell magazines. Charlie Sheen's violence toward women garners viewers. The capitalist basis of our culture demand that we monetize everything. That we derive the highest and best use of every element of our society, but "highest and best" are only understood in terms of financial gain, not moral. Because showing terrible humans being terrible makes money, those who are terrible are going to stay in the public eye. I don't really know if being a human nightmare is the best for the career--it seems to help some and in many cases it hasn't hurt (though I don't know if being laughed as you have a nervous breakdown is really 'helping' a career)--but I don't think it would even be an issue if corporations did not make money off of it and we did not consume it. We are all part of the culture that created Charlie Sheen and Chris Brown. It also created us and we helped create it. We may be repulsed that GMA is willing to give Chris Brown a pass and another chance because we can see that it is a slow step to just outright acceptance of his behavior as another equally valued opinion, but the same thing happens when we think Charlie Sheen is funny. We enjoy riding our culture to the every edge of horror and expect everyone to understand that we will know when to his the brakes so as to not go over the edge. If Charlie Sheen was such a hit, why wouldn't GMA think that Chris Brown could be the next big thing? If Mike Tyson got a second chance, why wouldn't movie makers think that Mel Gibson could get one too? This is a reflection of us.
Patrick and I are conjoined at the joke.
Remember me when you are president of Earth.
Kristen Schaal is an extremely funny and talented comedian.
I would like Kristen Schaal and Zach Galiafankis and (Frances McDormand and Richard Pryor) to get married and have a baby and for me to be that baby. They would be the best parents and I would love them forever and ever and I wouldn't put them in a nursing home at all.
It was between that and 'I think this song is sweet.' I am comfortable with my life choices.
I am doing the chiseling on my own tombstone so that it will have the right number of typos.
This seems like a good place to tell you all that I really actually like this song a lot. It give me pep.
I thought those were teabags.
"Man, I could go for some scattered, smothered, and smanged hash-browns from Waffle House right about now. I'm soooooooooo hungry." --Hannah Field.
I expect all of my music composed while high to be up to the level of "Bubble and Scrape."
I got confused and thought that today's bloggers were going to be the late shift staff from the Wendy's in Mebane, North Carolina.
Wait. I am supposed to stay alert with consciousness? Fuck. I've been staying alert with sleep THIS WHOLE TIME!
She's just excited about the family's trip to Thailand.
With Modest Mouse playing in the house, I am surprised she isn't saying "Goddamn."
Not writing a single word is the best thing that could happen to this show.
Ira Glass Pillow? I thought that was Stephen Baldwin.
Dear Starlee, Thank you for hating The Walking Dead. I hate it too! Let's be friends. I think that The Walking Dead is proof the humanity is losing the ability to craft coherent stories and to express even the most basic ideas. I can go on and on and on about what I hate about The Walking Dead, but I won't (like how it is just garbage full of sexist and racist stereotypes and how the the show must be written by possum after the possum was hit by a pick-up truck). Good luck today! You can do it! Warmest Regards, Mans
Shell, I am honored to get to share this week with you. You are good people.
I have a weave in my picture. Pizza is getting us confused again. Easy to do.
I am scared to jump more than two inched on a trampoline because I know any higher and I will be pulled into the shining jaws of the springs. Pinch pinch pinch.