
Carles does make some good points...SHE IZ TOTES KEWT THO!!
Xander is awesome. Remember when he split himself into two Xanders? That was the best...
Grantland is great...Chuck Klosterman and Carles from Hipster Runoff are both regular contributors.
Goin' to Vegas. The roller coaster in New York, New York will be a ride I'll NEVER FORGET.
Chris Trash is a national treasure
Shampoo is better it goes on first and cleans the hair. Stop looking at me swan. So hot want to touch the hiney ahooo. Hey there sideburns you want summa this milk? He called the shit poop! I'm the smartest man alive! No I will not MAKE OUT with you! Jack Nicholson now or 1974? Chlorophyll more like Borophyl - Adam Sandler's finest on screen moments
Can't wait to hear it. btw, I'll never get sick of arguing with white dudes on the internet.
In high school I got the one and only Topher Grace (I had 70s show hair) Hey...I wonder what's up with him...
If someone manages to get through...I have a burning question that needs answered. Where does he get his ideas??
I, for one, welcome our adorable overlords
That girl is really pretty...but that blog is unbearable. It brings up an internal conflict I have constantly... A fellow DFW fan showed me another one of these blogs. It is terrible:
Why would Cheney wear a 3 piece? Is he not aware of his nicknames...why not just wear a monocle and umbrella?
Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're Acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
"Is Gwyneth's outlook on marriage refreshing or depressing"? - that article "neither I guess?" - me "we say the former" - that article
I watched the linked video...Sean Lennon's girlfriend is the hottest thing I've ever for cereal.
I made it a policy to never speak to someone who uses the word "tanins". I will add "loathe" to this list. I can't imagine a cool person every saying "loathe."
I agree with your friend. I also think he is fake.
I actually think replacing "women" with "chicks" here actually makes it less offensive.
Oscars...Golden Globes...what's next? The PEEbody??!?!
He kept repeating things over and over again. And his hints to come upstairs really lacked subtlety.
What she drank before getting the tattoo: A bottle of red A bottle of white
"A couple of years ago, Kevin Bacon needed a few degrees of separation from his fame." - LA Times writer nailing it.
- Committed to making "I wanna get fucked" face even in seemingly inappropriate situations.
That is the most pretentious thing I have ever heard. Also, I studied various apartments, lease agreements, and landlords for my role in Rent.
Back in high schoool AGGGAAAINNN!!!! NO RECESS!!!!!
I really want to know what Daisy looks like...but I don't want to Google image search on my work computer... Daisy is the original Manic Pixie Dream Girl
I'm seriously bro crushing...I love chess AND Billy Joel. also tayne.gif
"Want to do an ad for Milk?" "What's it about?" "200k" "I'll do it."
I disagree with this, and here is why: Children cannot be trusted to wax poetic about the craft of acting or weigh in on global warming. However...they can be trusted like we trust a dog barking at a bad guy in a movie. That comment the kid made speaks volumes about JJ, even if the kid didn't actually mean to convey that she is a bitch.
Also, I am the king of thinking I can tell if celebrities are cool or not...
Re: Zooey/Elizabeth/Rashida I honestly can't tell who wore it best because they all look terrific. I tried to make an order in my mind because that is how my human brain works...but I couldn't.