
Let me guess.... it was just so Marcel could come back and harrass our eyes. UGH
Speaking of these Season Weiners..... why didn't they just have them all come back and compete against each other and THEN we could all see some REAL shit go down!?
Just looking at the still of her made me angry. My mom lent this book to me and let me just say I didn't make it very far, and generally, I finish books unless I'm completely OUTRAGED! UGH UGH UGH She made me almost hate myself for being a white divorced woman. UGH!!! I went through my little self-discovery process in a tiny town in Wisconsin. The same damn place I grew up!
LOL You are so very awesome. I just cannot express.
It's in the rules, dickwad. Geesh.
Besides, you forgot the most important rule: Gabe is the boss.
That there would be good enough for me, strangely enough. LOLs forever, I guess.
This is definately a work of art. I think thisismynightmare looks fabulous! LOL
Don't worry, Slothdrop. I'm the queen of TMI posts. But I often get a lot of support and encouragement from our fellow Monsters, as you obviously have in this thread. Keep the suicide demons away! We want you here always! Hugs, NP
I hate to hear that you are lonely. I'm sending my vibrations out to you, and hopefully when you get that moment of silence, you will feel that, indeed, you are not alone at all. #nocreepo
I don't know what this is all about, but I totally would participate if I had the extra cash. Happy Holidays, Monsters! Love, Your Not-So Secret Santa PS. I'm lactose intolerant and you can give my cookies to Huckabeast. Thnx.
Speaking of hanging on, and not trying to belabor anything, but last Friday, I once again attempted suicide. I was unsuccessful and was sick all week, but it was an eye-opening experience to see how relieved my son was that I was okay. I realize that this seems trite and many may think that I am just trolling, but I have had a long fight with depression. Some days it wins, but most days you manage to hang onto the Roomba.
Seriously, Gabe's mom is the best. If I didn't already have one of my own, I would totally vote for her and then Gabe and I could be siblings... wait, WHAT?!
I think he is. I totally think that is what this is all about. Who the hell else is that amped about their sales job first thing on a Monday morning and then videotapes it???
Selling your paintings is WAAY more hug-based. Generally, you're like, "Dude, you like my painting!", and they're like, "Yeah, so much so I want to pay to own it like forever!", and then you exchange information and you're like friends for life. I generally don't armwrestle people to buy my paintings.... I save that for my boyfriend when I want to have sex. WHAT?! OOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I wear my Halloween costume all the time. Although, it does get me into a bit of a touble late at night when I go into a convenience store. Who knew?
You and Foz aren't the only ones. I generally log on in the morning to read a couple of posts, generally from the day BEFORE as my son is getting ready for school, and then I'm LUCKY if I get to log on again that day. Generally, I play catch up during the weekend, but then posting a comment seems like a waste of time, generally. I've posted so little lately, I've lost my gif posting magic! SIGH If it's all the same to you Monsters out there that are late to the party, post your comments anyway - we may not be remembered in the Monsters Ball, but hey, some of us out there are reading what you are writing!
Or you can become a starving artist and just really hope for the best because you were able to shower your only child with so much extra attention and love, and you didn't have the financial resources to place so much value on material things. I dunno..... there just seems to be no instructions that come with life.
Exactly. There have been times I have been upset by a post or a thread in a post or whatever the hell, but if you take the time to CHILL OUT (good advice, Gabe), you get over it and enjoy whatever the hell comes next on this truly GREAT website. I don't even comment that much, particularly during the week, but I still really enjoy the community and the friendships that are here. Thanks, guys! :)
Just to give you an idea how awesome a grandma she is and always will be, she used to drive over in her grandma-mobile, sitting on a pillow (because she's basically four feet tall), driving 15 miles an hour EVERYDAY my mom worked second shift, so that my brothers and I wouldn't have to come home to an empty house. She ROCKED the after school snacks even though we were old enough to get them ourselves, but it was just so cool to know that someone CARED that MUCH!
I just wanted to post in honor of my grandmother, who turned 100 years old yesterday: Happy Birthday, Grandma! We're having a grand old bash at her church tomorrow and I hope she doesn't get the vapors with all the attention and everything. Wish us luck! :)
LOL An upvote just wouldn't do by itself.
And I didn't even think he liked blondes. Also, wasn't it almost generally noted that Gabe is actually taller than what we thought? Either Max is a giant, or Gabe was wearing diamond slippers to boost his height at Comic Con.
I was surprised that they actually showed the little girl, who looks fragile and beautiful, making this horrible mess, even horribly messier.... I mean, what the hell is the feud actually about? It can't just be about a brain disorder, can it? Am I just too naive???
Totally! Cornflower hair is much more poetic and I think e.e. cummings would agree.
Thanks for the tip, but I believe that is precisely the format I used for the first try! UGH (on my part), but thanks!!!! :)
I'm so fucking ashamed.
Ugh:" target="_blank"><img src="
This has really inspired me to get off my sorry ass and get painting again:
And PS. You have no sex life!
I made it 18 seconds. With only a few phrases I could tell he had not embodied his character truly.
It would have worked better on a box of Pop Tarts.
And in my little dream of dreams, if I had been there with Anderson, asking questions, I would have said: "And why the fuck isn't it a fucking crime already?!". GEESH Wasn't cyberbullying part of his campaign platform when there was an actual campaign going on?
Don't anybody do that! Doesn't anybody want to join the hundred million mile high club?
Gee, I guess I didn't realize that that was EXACTLY why the first amendment was put into the Bill of Rights in the first place. The Founding Fathers were so clever.....
I have no idea where my avatar falls, but I think Enid from Ghost World in a pervy sex mask is really the tits.
Your words mean a lot to me, so thank you so very much! And you posted just below what I wrote so it's not really a fuck up at all! Thanks for making me smile on my birthday! :)