
Thanks! That really means a lot to me! :)
He's really awesome that way. He got me the day he first did his capitalization and it just got better from there. :) You're an awesome dude, AmPat, and so are you, facetaco.
It's my birthday Monday. I celebrated with my family yesterday, and given my "issues" another birthday seemed sort of surreal. Good, but surreal. My mom made me make a birthday wish before I blew out my birthday candles with my nephew (there were two cakes and everyone else had a cold lol Thanks, Michael!)..... I wished that I would stay out of the hospital and make it to my next birthday. Anyway! Have a great weekend everyone and I hope to see you next week! XOXOXOXOX
I'm a total dickhead too. With my frames with actual lenses. Which I really only use for driving. Cuz I'm a dickhead! HAVEN'T YOU HEARD????
I liked your Michael Cera insertion (?). I don't know why it made it better, but it did for some reason.
LOL I thought you were serious at first, Mr. Hausfrau, and my heart nearly stopped. I should really downvote you for that.....
Seriously! But on the other hand, people rarely reply to my comments (although I DO get upvotes and occasionally downvotes, so no whining here), so I'm not certain how much I would need this. But it does sound like a very useful thing.
I'm sorry.... it's a flying black dildo with Videogum inscribed on the side of it. What CAN'T you do with it? I'm going to go lay down now.....
Yes, it is 1 in 3 and God, I wish I didn't know that information for very personal reasons.
Funtastik, you are awesome, so don't feel that you have to retire Keenan so quickly!
Exactly, Chris. I've been trying for the past couple of days to find a way to say it in my flu induced haze and you did you for me! Thanks, my Vgum brother! :)
PS. I hardly doubt that Gabe is SHOCKED that this picture garnered so much debate. In this community. Sheesh. YOU chill the fuck out.
WTF? I don't understand this. You sound like we're about to have a major brake-up with Gabe and he's threatening to leave. All because of a Caption This that HE posted? Yeah, okay. Well, I guess I'd rather not be all third grade about this and wait for HIM to speak for himself rather than caring what his best buddy has to say on the subject. Thanks anyway, Max.
P'shaw! We recognize Baby Friday anywhere! And YAY to lurkers who turn into commentators! :) We'll be a-reckonizing you, too!
I think you're just too well liked to get the lowest comment of the week. And I think you might be right about this week! Three days may mean NO MONSTER'S BALL! Well, you have the True Egot of my heart, Mr. Hausfrau, just because you are so determined!
Avatars are like having Halloween everyday. Also, it's hard to pick a favorite because I associate so many of the avatars with the personalities of the commentators and I'm just happy/relieved to see them when I do. Also, let's not forget about That One, who will be becoming Those Two this weekend, or so I've heard.
Tim Gunn is so awesome, even though his background is in fashion, he would totally make an awesome food mentor. I mean, the guy eats, doesn't he? And looks stunning while doing it!
Whoa! I thought this was going to be the boob slapping guy who gets slapped back by the chick who he boob slapped. Turns out my German/English is REALLY bad!
In WI they are empty buildings. So many empty buildings.
Can I just say: WHAT?
You, sir/madam, are awesome! I'm also extremely sleep deprived so forgive me for not having more to say. Plus Pandas!
I totally can relate to what you are saying. Ironically, WE care, even though we ARE your fellow internet Monsters.
For some reason it flowed nicely. No worries.
I'm honestly so stupid. I thought the username belonged to a woman with a summer due date for her baby. Look how I relate! UGH
So jealous of Ellen Page. I can't believe I just typed that, but dammit, it's true!
God, that was really too big. So sorry! Perhaps I'll get points for bandwidth hogging! :(
In keeping with Gabe's request that there be a billion comments on this post, I thought I'd add a bit of good news: my liver results came back yesterday and THEY ARE FINE! I guess I AM supposed to live another year. (That is if the damn mosquitos here in WI don't give me malaria or something - lol). Also thought I'd post another great thing that happened in my life, only it happened a few years back when I was avidly painting, the following was the painting that got the most attention at auction and garnered the most money to date: It looks like shit in this picture, but I usually don't do realism and this turned out really great where the door handle actually looked like you could walk up to the painting and turn it. Anyway, really proud of it and I try to remember these things when things get tough. Hope it posted okay - now I gotta shower and go grocery shopping!
Plus she is just very annoying. I avoid her movies at all costs.
I think the kills only make them scream louder. I don't visit my sister and my brother-in-law as often as I should anymore.
And I thought I was the only one!
In all fairness, Steve isn't running for the Senate.
My mother gave me this book to read. Needless to say, I didn't get very far into it.
This is so ironic that this was posted on my son's 16th birthday. There is hope for some people who become parents, I guess.... my son leaves me "I love you" notes for no reason and says "thank you" when I make him toast in the morning. But I really think that it says more about the fact that his mother is a clinically depressed person and hates to see her suffer than it does about how I brought him up. I think.
I hope all my tissues are wishing tissues. I really loved that.
Additionally, my grandmother turns 100 on October 15th. She's widowed, so she's free, Gabe!!!! Lots of Love SIGH
I have lactose intolerant cramps!!! Quick! To the Invisible Jet! Seriously, my son's birthday is in a week and betcha 5 dollars he'll want an ice creamy cakey cake!
I'm lactose intolerant, just so everyone knows.
Which ugly one? The two on the far left do nothing for the teen in me.
Also, he is hot in ways that ordinary people just can't understand.
Your life is an amazing thing. WOW