
"Why are you screaming, I haven't even cut you yet" seems entirely insensitive to their predicament.
Freddy Krueger now kills through sexting. Don't turn your phone on Beautiful Teenager! It's not worth it!
Yay marketing! Or downward spirals into your own personal alcoholic hell! Sometimes it's hard to tell!
Are you my grandkids? Because that would be nice! They never visit anymore...
Useful youtube comment of the week: "I love what she did to the song - the popsy singing certainly trumps thom's out-of-breath singing and she turned that downer song into a likable pop song. also a good call on changing hitler hairdo hateful hairdo, what a useless lyric anyway. she is as beautiful inside at this age as she is beautiful and talented today! the bright flare is what the song needed anyway, because hopeless pesimism just doesn't get you closer to being a good member of your comunity!" Kesha > Radiohead. Because, art.
I get the feeling that all despised cultural entities are like this though. Smart folks who know how to work the youth for money. Or willing to let their pride go the wayside as some marketing firm turns them into whatever it is that Kesha is...
What is that 3ohstuffs name supposed to mean anyways? Is this some youthful jargon I am not up on? Because I need to be up on all my youthful jargons.
元esha? Chinas economy is the future. Because seriously. I am a bad-post train wreck. One day I will figure out this whole internet thing though. Then my grandkids will totally stop snickering about my age behind my back.
元esha? Chinas economy is the future.
I thought you were talking about Kesha at first. Heh.
You are surely kidding me. Did I not see the title of this post? I did this to myself again!? Oh geez. Well at least no triple post embarrassment lead weights attached to my feet this time as I sink into my little sea of shame.
I am also pretty sure that high school Kesha (I am not spelling out the money sign) video just gave hope to every single person who has ever performed at a high school talent show. Because that was the most normal high school talent show performance I've ever seen performed in a high school. Which might be a great thing! Or it could mean more Keshas! So I don't totally know how to feel about that!
just the url, not the whole img link thing apparently? It's like the site knows what you want before you even do it! Sorcery! Mostly I just want to see if I can get images to work. But Tracy looking all intense made me happy enough too.
The best part of this whole thing (well not really, but I like it) is the pre-play quote underneath Tracy and the look he is giving me in the Daily Show one.
A GIF party is the best kind of party and a GIF party don't stop
Oh! My mistake! I should have said all ladies. And gentlemen. All self-aware bipeds.
And a wild one at that!
Is it just me or is that lady's neck in the second picture horrifyingly elongated?
Maybe sexy ladies who like Topher Grace?
GQ isn't even trying anymore. Those are just candid photos of Topher standing outside the bus stop, because at heart he's just like the rest of us. GQ, skimping on photo-shoot money, for shame, for shame.
Absolutely and stop arguing with me about it.
Avatar looked a lot like a Lisa Frank notebook. A whole lot.
Also the article mentions that it is replacing "Honey I shrunk the Audience" So really they're only traveling back in time a couple of years.
Blue Michael Jackson. Pelvic thrusting towards your face in totally believable 3D. Saving the environment one Wisdom Tree at a time. With his pelvis.
Seriously. I am losing it here. Freddy is going to pop out of my computer any second. I need to stop posting. It's only fueling the embarrassment . Gah!
Oh. Dear. God. Double posts, and two of them! It is a festival of shame. A festival of new nightmares.
And then I saw that Gabe had already written this joke and the shame was overwhelming. Then realized that this shame was in fact my new nightmare. And the nightmare came full circle.
I can imagine facing your pubic lice would require a tremendous amount of flexibility.
girl running through forrest hundreds of hooded Biebers methodically chasing her down.. She jumps off the cliff. All he wanted to do was bowl with her...