
I really wanted to stop watching this, but I couldn't shake the feeling that she was going to tell me hello from some place even more awesome than that beanstalk. I had to know. Pretty sure I saw god at one point.
I think the C is a baby seat. In which case it should really be facing backwards, right? (I don't have kids). This law firm may be encouraging child endangerment, is my point.
Ew, Sean Avery? They had to create an entire penalty for him, and not a cool, face-smashing penalty. A super lame, distracting the goalie like a 6-year old penalty. Elisha, make better choices.
The thing about the storm trooper just wanting a railing, right here, is golden.
Getting your eyebrows waxed and getting your eyebrows waxed OFF are two different things. I come from hirsute stock and some things require tidying. It's completely pain-free for me at this point (perhaps because true evil can't feel pain?) and takes five minutes. So, bright side, by the time this girl is 7 it won't hurt at all!
I wonder if mommy holds her down during the lipo procedures too.
Are you me? My mom once promised me an ice cream cone if I was good about getting a shot. I proceeded to climb under an over the furniture trying to evade the doc. But, yeah, medically useful vs. Forcing your five-year old to go through a traumatic experience so that she can live up to your idea of beauty. This woman is cracked. The worst part is, at the end they're telling her it's all over, which is a LIE, since you can see there's still wax between her brows. Has TLC decided to focus the Learning on how to be a terrible parent?
All of that, except...she's two. Don't you miss the sensible days when you thought she was a mature, responsible four year-old in charge of her own destiny?
Yes! They had clips of the RNC "debate" (har dee har) and one of the questions was "Who is your hero?" And the moderator rushed to add "No saying Reagan!" like he was such a gimme answer. And all the RNC candidates were like "Are there any other heroes?" "Can I say Reagan's ghost?" "How about the character he played in that movie with the monkey?"
I have to believe that, while it's tough to get people out to vote for candidates who would better their lives (who are usually totally boring with their "reasonable ideas" and "informed opinions), it's less hard to get people to vote their hate. If Sarah Palin ever made it onto another national ticket, I think she would be toast. And, honestly, every person running for head of the RNC should be disqualified just for answering that question so wrongly and so disingenously. And for making Tucker Carlson appealing for a minute, but mostly for getting the Sarah Palin thing wrong.
I think, though, to be fair (and I say this begrudgingly), one of the hallmarks of being crazy is being set off by unpredictable things. We can all look at hate speech, or death metal, or Sarah Palin's hairdo and thing "well, yes, of course that would drive a mentally disturbed person to kill" but the problem with that argument is that a mentally disturbed person could also be driven to kill by a rainy day, J. D. Salinger, or the fact that Barack Obama is mixed-race and the president of our country. And I don't think any of us want rainy days to go away, right-o? So, yes, perhaps this rhetoric contributed to Jared Loughner feeling angry/crazy/motivated enough to shoot a bunch of people. But maybe getting a C on a paper contributed to that as well. Or being rejected by a girl. There is no need to tie a tragic shooting to political rhetoric in order to find said rhetoric disturbing - it's already super disturbing! And trying to tie the the action of a crazy person to an abstract like that is generally just going to weaken your argument that said abstract is a bad thing, because it gives the doers of the abstract a chance to act all self-righteous and wronged when really they are SO THE WRONGERS. (James Poniewozik over at Time's Tuned In blog says all this way better than I can, but I don't know how to do links in here.) All of this is dependent on the fact that Loughner really is as nuts as he appears to be, and not orchestrating an incredibly complex con. But at this point, the evidence seems to point to his being crazy.
Wow, that's amazing that her father was able to compose himself enough to have that kind of perspective on what had happened. I think I'd still be in the "snarling like a rabid dog" phase of grief in his situation. Well said, though.
I was sad when Kilbie left, because he took This Day in Hasslehoff History with him.
Your royal flyness I dig your....
"Frontal baldness" worries me. It sounds like some freaky disease whereby the frony hemisphere of the body loses all hair but the back hemi is a big ol' gorilla. Yick. Also, is that Marg Helgenberger in the sassy short red 'do? They should really pay her her more on CSI.
Yay, I am excited for new movies. However, I really think you're doing yourself a disservice by not including the maximum number of Nic Cage films in each round (i.e. 1). One day you're going to have to do a whole bunch at once, and then you'll be kicking yourself for not getting some out of fhe way earlier. 8MM, y'all. I don't know how to make your fancy GIFs yet, but imagine the peekaboo kitty getting repeatedly maced in its adorable eyeballs and you'll know what that movie did to my mirth.
They're a bit glammier than I imagine your average scientists to be, but a) it's a movie. And b) they're supposed to have attained rock star scientist status due to making the cover of Wired or something. It's a good, weird-as-they-get movie. Definitely mockable, though.
According to IMDB, Peter Facinelli is in Twilight. He's sort of B-listy, right? There must be a way to make this happen.
The plans were on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of The Leopard". Duh.
Yes, I can't believe this is not a sad video about how she is a slave to her toilet paper but is instead a happy video about how great it is to have an entire room that you can't use because it is filled with toilet paper. On the other hand, at least TLC is upbeat about something for once instead of making me we want to die. Learning can be fun!
God, 8MM. I guess the extra millimeter was for sucking.
This is my very first Videogum post and I'd like to use it to exorcise the personal demon that is 9MM. Because of every. Damn. Thing. I know you only get one Nic Cage movie per round, so I humbly request that you use it well. Also, Iron Man II. Not the worst movie of all time, but one of the most disappointing and ridiculous. Thank you, great site!