
really? Damages is still on?
"Let it happen. One of us, one of us!!!! Gooble- gobble gooble-gobble!"- cumberbitches everywhere.
okay as a life long batman fan this infuriates me.... seriously, rush fat fuck limbaugh is trying to claim that BANE (south american bad ass supervillain who crippled batman in the comics) is some how conneccted to Mitt (mom pants) romney's campaign and it's a liberal conspiracy. Ugh, i wish that man would just stop talking or overdose on those pain pills he used to love so much. sorry it's just i'm a batman fan and that pissed my inner geek off something fierce.
can it be more than one because gary busey, randy quaid and nick nolte, can u just imagine the crazy
yeah she was in trueblood and yes she is the arty girl in Mean Girls.
actually, God is more like the gypsy fortune booth from BIG.
Well if it worked for Katie, maybe it'll work for me. (puts hands together to pray) Dear god, It's me Profoblivion... sorry about that thing with the bottle rocket and the neighbors cat when i was nine and sorry about the bullfrog baseball games, but that wasn't my fault. Well all i want this year for my birthday is a Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Henry Cavill man sandwich with a little bit of Taylor Lautner on the side. Amen.
everyone knows that the only time God had anything to say about gays via the weather was that time it started raining men.
brendan fraser beat up a producer....i have nothing for this but "something, something furry vengeance, something, something brooke shields."
i could go for another superman movie... the last one was so lackluster and i'm kind of excited to see what Zack Snyder (???) does with it. Plus Henry Cavill. Just look at that man... am I right ladies (and some gents)?
oops, didn't see the comment above mine... damn it.
wow, Russian family reunions are... uh... interesting.
"also, never pick up hitch-hikers because they only want to kill you and wear your skin as a coat."
hopefully it'll be like the gathering in the highlander movie with lots of decapitation until it's the last juggalo standing.
she's supposed to wake up from true loves kiss, not "OMG, MY WATER JUST BROKE... WAIT... AM I KNOCKED UP? OH WTF!!!!"
Went to the walking dead obstacle course, lots of fun. realized the hubby is totally not ready for the zombie apocalypse as he got tagged by the zombies.
What should have been Bill Nye's response- "do you see my credentials in the corner? I'm Bill fucking Nye, science rules you cumberbitch!" and then he proceeds to rip off his bow tie and walk out that piece.
that or Gwildor from "masters of the universe"
i like it, i was hoping that her hair would be that short for the movie because i likes my catwoman/selina kyle with short hair.
can't sleep... Pacu will chomp me.... can't sleep.... Pacu will chomp me....- me, wide eyed at 3am.
but you have to admit the parties they have in town totally rock, only time i can walk into a bar dressed brightly colored spandex... well comic-con week and pride week are the only times i'll allow myself to walk around in brightly colore spandex.
in some cultures nerd funk is an aphrodisiac... (pushes up glasses and adjust pocket protector on ewok costume.)
The traffic around the convention center is crazy and a twilight fan got ran over the other day. I've only been once with my nephew and it is totally just tv show and movie panels (which is cool i guess, hell i got to meet the cast of "Always sunny..") and the main floor has comic books to purchase and what not. But i really don't see what all the fuss is about? although yesterday i was told there was a panel on what the legal ramifications would be if zombies, vampires and werewolves did exist and could they do an insanity plea in court, which kind of caught my interest.
i'm going to have to say no to those side burns and yes to sexy non-Loki Hiddleston.
i have nothing clever to say... that is the level of disgust i have for him.
if the wizard of oz has taught me anything, is you can't kill witches with fire, you either have to crush nancy grace with a house or splash water on her. i suggest both, just to be safe.
i forgot to type "out of my face, chet"
get your fingers out of face chet!!! - my response to all that finger pointing and hand waving in the video.
thank you... you pretty much summed up what i attempted at saying yesterday... sorry guys my words no work good yesterday.
that's because she can see her career trajectory after showgirls. although i loved her in that movie, it was so bad it was good.
oh martinmegs, you old blow hard.
no more daniel tosh on here... can we please go back to watching krispy kreme?
how old is he because, i'm kinda into short nerdy white guys with southern accents?
i'll acknowledge it... just so you don't go crazy and explode.
if you are going to be offended by "lowest common denominator" comedy then don't go. i feel like all of a sudden this is becoming a people who chuckle quietly at twisted things vs people who don't, and enjoy reminding you that they're "better than that." i am taking this way too personal defending the comedy of someone who is disgustingly rich and that i don't know. peace out, i'm off to walk my dog.