
Wait - scratch that - PUPPIES IN HUMAN CLOTHES? Staying put.
The reality TV nominations are a good time to change the kitty litter.
I almost shed a tear at all the awesome comedy ladies taking the stage, but instead I just smiled like an idiot at no-one. Then I told the internet about it. Good work, awesome comedy ladies! Bad work, compulsive honesty!
I was going to say "I'm throwing beavers, not tomatoes" but then I realized how that sounded. (Thanks, I just had it stuffed).
There is nothing I can say to fully express the degree of head-desk I am feeling right now, especially as a Canadian, but can I just say that is a just a very excellent flow chart? Yes, I can.
I had to turn off the volume on the first one because the humans sounded like a bunch of Cathy cartoons, but I am excited to know those paintings of sad-eyed kids were actually based on real people.
Dag - now I feel bad. I did not mean to sound like I was belittling the car-lifters. I was just thinking of other instances where someone was trying to do something good, and the people filming it (because it is the future, and someone is always filming it) were entirely useless. Good work, car-lifters! Sorry I inadvertently sounded like I was teasing you! You are very good at doing good stuff that I could never do!
What a noble bunch of Ryan Goslings.
Upvoted for the use of "Good God, man."
Ah, yes, Emma Goldmun. Tragically underrated cousin of Emma Goldman.
This was alluded to already, but it could almost be a BNPG - the renaming of crayon colours so that we NEVER FORGET. Sorry - colors. I forgot.
Dag. I did not realize the fourth episode was the last one. I just thought they were taking a really long time with the remaining two. What I am saying is that I am very smart and should certainly have my own show where I solve crimes.
Yep, it is, and there is a creepmazing gif of her on the original fourfour post.
"WOW" is what he calls his mom, so it works out either way.
I have wanted to buy this for years, even though I do not even eat hog dogs: I have also considered giving it as a gift for many occasions, including weddings (but not funerals because, contrary to what I would like to believe, I do not actually put the fun in funeral), but I have never purchased it because I do not want it to gather dust in someone's kitchen. What if it ended up being the kind of gift that you feel too guilty to get rid of, but you don't really want to use it, either, and eventually every time you think of it you are riddled with guilt? I do not want to be the person who ruins octodogs for someone else, is what I am saying. I think?
The fact that the human has MOM written on his hand does not surprise me in the least.
I do not want to seriousgum this party up too much, but I must extend a high five to you. Also, to Gabe. Possibly also to Birdie. (Fine - always to Birdie). I, too, gained a ton of weight during the depression times (my own depression, I mean. Not the Great one). Before that, I was skinny. Or at least slim. I did not think so at the time, but I looked at some of my old clothes years later and wondered who they belonged to, because I could not recall being that small. During the period when I was at my worst, I hardly ate. When I eventually ended up in the hospital, I started to eat again. Gained a ton of weight due to medications. That was ten years ago, and I have not lost the weight I gained. I do not imagine I ever will, and it is not the result of eating too many cakes and watching too many internets (though even if it was, that wouldn't really be anyone's business). The point is that when people make comments about weight, or when I feel shitty about how I do not look like I did in my twenties, I have to point out - gaining weight was a side effect of not dying. So, yeah, I am whatever size I am, but, hey - not dead. I was of average weight (BMI-wise) for the first part of my life, so when I gained weight I always kept the idea in my head that it was temporary, and that I was not actually fat. It has taken years to get used to the new version of myself, who is really not so new now. And maybe I am a fat kid, but that is for me to decide. For folks who grew up larger than the people around them, I cannot imagine what it would be like to endure comments about their appearance all the fucking time. So, yeah - shut it, Huge Manatee and your ilk. And right-on, Becca and Gabe (and other super monsters).
Agreed! (I mean I agree that I, too, am excited. I do not agree that you are excited. Or, rather, I do, but I cannot verify the fact that you are excited for T-dot Monsterco. But I confirm that I am excited!)
She's so big now! Way to grow, Birdie!
I just totally did the "Oh!" and covering of mouth with hand, much like that famous picture we have all seen so much of in the last week. [Looks for a photo of surprised chimpunk covering his mouth, cannot find one. Walks away without punchline]
(Meant to be a reply to werttrew, but if anyone else is also stunned and proud - congratulations! Good work, everyone! Except me, who did not do so well at the replying).
Well, dang, congratulations! You look equal parts stunned and proud. I am not a parent, but I am pretty sure that both of those states will feature prominently in your life over the next while.
Do you know when the June show will be? If I leave my house today and start walking, I could get there by June. (But also, I will be in NY at the end of June, so maybe I can synchronize Swatches and also comedy times). The coconut in which you put the lime (starring my gorilla friend - is my favourite one, but the Mr. Coconuts does sound awfully fantastic.
This could have gone in the Pesach thread, but it was not ready yesterday. Nope. I had to put it up just in time for Hitler's birthday. Do not worry. I am not using Hitler's birthday as an excuse to boast about something I did. I am using it to boast about something my friend's kid did. You do not even have to click up there. Here is the magic: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ORIGINAL NOT-A-FISH HITLER! (I would look for the link to the Hitler goldfish, but he is not my friend's kid's goldfish so I am not trumpeting his awesomeness for free. Freeloader).
When I lived in Chicago, a friend of a friend was visiting from LA and asked me if the El was Spanish for "the train." I moved back to Canada shortly thereafter. Tabernac!
But! Oh! I forgot to talk about the good parts of being a crazy. Or the two that I can think of, anyway: 1. DJ-ing a party at a mental hospital (while a resident of said hospital) 2. Trying to get everyone at the aforementioned nuthouse party to sing along to "Sanitarium."
I know four people whose birthdays are today, and they are all super right-on. This leads me to believe that idot is right-on, because of the dog avatar, and tacodog is also right-on, because she is a dog. Yappy birthday, dudes! (See what I did there?)
No no no. The problem with the sequel was that it switched between the moods too quickly, and you could not follow what was going on at all. #accuratediagnosisjokes
Hells to the yes. One of the most frustrating parts of being a crazy (it is okay for me to say that, because I am a crazy) is that even once you get to the point where you are open with and comfortable talking about your illness, it is still a constant challenge to have most people recognize it as something real. The part where you must explain it to other folks is also not the best. It is not something I usually talk about with people I am not close to, in the same way that I do not tell random people how my ankle is kind of itchy and is it okay that my shoes, pants, and jacket are all the same colour? But I have had to bring it up in situations where I would rather not discuss it (the work, the love, etc) because it is something that affects so much of what I do. I do not have the two polars (of the bears, or of the mind), but a couple of my dearest friends have Bipolar type 2 and it took years for both of them to be correctly diagnosed. Although I do not wish that anyone should have a weirdo ding-dong brain (sorry, "mental illness"), I am grateful when something like this brings it to the forefront. Now, maybe other people can talk about brain-type stuff so that I can continue watching a little dog chase a big dog at the dog park.
Sorry for ignoring you, Paul Reiser of "My Two Dads," but I have decided to focus on another drinking game, the premise of which is to drink every time Gabe says something that makes me want to send Videogum a valentine even if it is not valentine's day. Example: "Whoops ocean." Sadly, I do not have any liquor at work, so I have substituted "drink" with "write a run-on sentence."
Dag. Sorry. Now I am conflicted: sad about someone else's bad luck, joyful from the ridonkucat.
If I had suffered a fatal seizure from watching that video, I would not complain. (Clearly. Because I would be dead. But if you asked Braco to consult my ghost, he would verify that I was entirely happy with my jaunty demise.)
He was first exposed to pen-stealing by some boys who went to collegiate.
As an alumnus of edifice, I call bullshit on this "collegiate" business.
I kind of want to start several new accounts just so that I can keep upvoting that comment.
I have a habit of being overly earnest when I think things are fantastic, and then weirding people out with my declarations of awesome, but that does not stop me from doing it. I do not think that the cancer is awesome, but doing something right-on for someone who is going through crud times is very awesome. Good luck, Tang's mom! (With everything, of course, but right now - with this thing that we can maybe help happen).
Ahem - coffee and cookies will be provided. Milk and cookies are a little too child slavery-ish. (I want to make a joke about using milk and cookies to attract children into your windowless van, but jokes will exclude me from the coffee and cookies. Also, someone could totally use that ruse to steal Santa, and then I will never get a puppy).
Because Hulu hates Canada and will not let me watch the video clips, I will tell the story of my British accent. I lived in England when I was a kid, and when I moved to Canada (in grade 9) the other kids would always try to get me to talk so they could hear the accent. That would have been fine, if not for two things: 1. I am terrible at talking to people now, 20 years later 2. I was even worse back then. I am not sure how I did it, but I ended up getting rid of my accent by watching a ton of TV (so I guess I do know how I did it? Except I still watch a ton of TV and do not develop new accents anymore). Again, a thing that would have been fine, except that half of what I watched was American TV and the other half was Degrassi. So, yes, my accent is fucked. No, I am not from the Midwest. And that is why I applaud Helen Mirren's adequate accent, which I have not actually heard because of the part where the Hulu does not work.
Dag - me, too! It's what all the cool kids were doing, you know.