
I'm no Doctor (Octopus), but wouldn't Man-Spider have a Man logo on his chest?
If this doesn't get me on Videogum, then you can't fire me, because I fucking quit!
Wouldn't Stoltz now be suffering from Parkinson's? The timeline always corrects itself.
Hank Scorpio:Ever seen a man say goodbye to a shoe? Homer: Yes, once. Homer: Don't mind if I do! [unintelligible screaming]
This comment thread is my new homepage. "Lousy Smarch weather" "Look, Mr. Burns. I don't know what you think sideburns are..." "It's horrible, but you can't take your eyes away. It's like watching a monkey swallow a hand grenade." (In Harry Shearer's dead-on Vin Scully)
It might not have been a bomb, so they turned it into a bomb. Just to be sure. They weren't taking any chances. It's called professionalism.
Wait, what does this have to do with "Breaking Bad?"
"Fly" was the best episode of anything since Sopranos and Wire wrapped up. The show has been great from the start, but this season in particular was amazing.