
Don't worry. It ain't nothin' but a hound dog. Or MS. Probably MS.
Tides go in, tides go out, man. I mean, c'mon!
This is gross. This is Michael Gross:
I got hungry. Should I go to jail now?
The only part, as far as I'm concerned. I officially declare a Hot Shots gif party.
I know how to fix this. Two words: Hot Shots.
So if rape is unwanted sexual contact, reverse rape is no holds barred, greased up, chocolate covered Motel 6 gang banging?
Huckabeast! You be on Robot Chicken.
You are mistaken, werttrew. This is clearly not Mel Gibson. This is his evil parallel universe twin. Hence the goatee.
I can't go on...they tied my shoelaces together...
There should be another "guy" in there. Cupcakes for whoever can figure out where it should go.
They just made that one. It's called 'The Roomate'.
I watched this without any sound, and at first I was all like, oh man, horror film, okay, then it was all like 'Wicker Man director', and I was all like, ahhhh, I hope they mean the one with the cult leader who looks like Wayne Coyne, and not the one with the bees, and then there were horses and a guy grabbing his crotch? And I was like okay, maybe this is a quirky comedy? And then bondage? And a guy screaming at the sun? Whatever. I really hope this guy directed the Wicker Man with the who looks like Wayne Coyne in it.
I feel a sudden urge to wear flanel and buy a bunch of Nirvana albums. Should I be concerned?
Watching it on youtube as we speak.
Wow, looks like I finally have a reason to start watching MTV.
I can't give you enough upvotes for this.
Live in Burbank, California long enough and you will wish you could pop ants with your mind. There are ants here. So many ants.
Say all you want, but don't you remember the last time we let the ant menace get out of control?
More like, Larry the RACIST Guy. Am I right? Or am I right? Or am I right?
Or an "Every James Bond Movie Ever" cake.
But it might be cakepie, in which case anything goes.
Happy Groundhog Day!!!
Happy Groundhog Day!!
Happy Groundhog Day!
"Me cheese! It's all gone" = I'm saying this to everyone I have ever known ever.
Turner and Pooch.