
8. Make sure you didn't inadvertently watch this guy's previous video, "How to kill with a boomerang," before demonstrating for your friends.
So the boyfriend of a Kardashian made a commercial for the boyfriend of another Kardashian, and the commercial is a copy of a parody of a 12-year-old movie based on a 22-year-old book. Seems legit.
Why is Texas Legislature Online reviewing Mad Men???
Figures Harmon would slip in an ad for Instagram. No Sorkin will say something about Twitter.
I thought The Purge looked like the dumbest straight-to-video garbage in the trailers, but I guess people want to see a world where Sarah Palin's death panels are real!
Malkovich managed to keep pressure on the guy's neck with one hand and smoke four more cigarettes before paramedics arrived. (How I want this to have gone down.)
I was getting a toddler and a baby asleep. I finally had to use the good ol' TV crutch and slap Toy Story 2 on to get the toddler to finally crash. (My wife was drinking at a birthday party.)
I was waiting to see his laser cat eyes. I have not seen the movie from which this scene was excised.
“Garden State” follow-up? Do they mean "the next movie he's writing, directing, and starring in" or literally a sequel starring the same people from that movie? Because all I can remember about the movie is them wearing garbage bags and literally "screaming into the void" and I have absolutely no interest in funding a minute of film showing what those characters are doing 10 years later.
"Angling to be Brad Pitt’s official Brad Pitt double" sounds like a bizarre pickup line. As in, "Would you like to be in a photo shoot with me? I'm angling to be Brad Pitt’s official Brad Pitt double." If the guy really looked like Danny DeVito, that's icing on the cake.
She's from a place called Saskatoon in Canada. As much as we like to think so, the entire world does not know our national anthem. She is forgiven!
"About Time" looks like it would be a good watch on a transatlantic flight.
Looks like she was bored sexting (bexting?): "Whatcha doin?" "At ballgame." "Havin fun?" "No, soo brd." "Show me yer boobs." "Here ya go." "Thx." "Bye grandma!"
Behind home plate, no less, where she's going to be on camera 95% of the game.
I see they used the "perspective of the serial killer" camera.
Good eye! Those guys are geniuses. I visited The Red House when I passed through North Carolina based on their commercial:
What an arresting development.
I think it's adorable when you Facebook connect. (I don't mean that in as patronizing a way as it reads either!)
You can cry in space, but no one can hear you scream.
I have a Wembley, because Muppet in a Hawaiian shirt? Let's party!!!
Holy crap, voting is back? YAY!
I'm a little sad. My family is out of town for the week, and now that I finally have the house to myself for the first time in years, all I feel like doing is watching the Disney Jr channel like I do with my two year old every evening.
They should make a game show of Monopoly, and when contestants are losing, they have the option of knocking over the board and leaving the set in anger.
Based on the output of his weekly photoshoots with Terry Richardson, I'd say no. (Hate that I know this...)
I was just wondering whatever happened to "balloon boy" and his parents.
Bourdain's new show will be on CNN, which will at least mean a break in their coverage of the ruined reputations of the teen rapists.
Please say "Paparazzi." Calling him a "photographer" makes it sound like it's a dignified career.
But at what price? There are no winners in the Cola Wars.
That HAS to be a typo. I spend more on pet care than Brendan Fraser? (He spends $7 a MONTH? What pet is this, a worm?) Also, you don't pay income tax every month, do you?
Crap, I can't read. Abort! Abort!
Mia Goth is wearing black, likes breadsticks.
That reminds me, Amazon Books posted the innocent sounding question "What book have you read that changed your life?" and the first four comments were fiction titles, and the fifth person said (in all caps, natch): "THE BIBLE." And then it was like, "yeah, I meant that book AND the Bible, yeah) and it was pretty much a thread killer. It's like people who can't go five minutes without saying they're vegan (not that there's anything wrong with that, just that, yeah, I heard you the first time).
At one point in my teen years, I worked night shift at a 24-hr. doughnut shop (great motivation to go to college!) the "pranks" consisted of drunk people asking for free extra doughnuts and one drunk guy who very calmly asked out of the blue if I wanted to go into the parking lot and fight (wha...?) so as pranks go, this one is okay. Certainly nicer than that "fire in the hole" crap!
I took my 2-year-old son to see Wreck-It Ralph at a late-morning Sunday showing at a cinema draft house. His first movie! He liked it. Got to have a PB&J sandwich and a glass of milk with it, while I had a burger and a beer. I don't think I care enough to see a half-hour mockumentary though. (Sorry, Ralph! We'll always have you as my kid's first movie!)
Unrelated, but I accidentally clicked the margin of the page and now I'm Facebook friends with Miracle Whip and it keeps trying to "poke" me.