
I like to think that it started with Cher, and ended with Cher.
It probably took that poor elephant hours to prop its leg up so it could get in ideal masturbation position, only to turn around and see a family gawking and filming at its most intimate moment.
Now I'm kind of glad I only had one friend in high school, because when you hit the three mark you start doing stuff like this. I was content to just watch R-rated anime bootlegs at her house until her mom came home from work.
Is radioactivity a concern at all?
I guess it just took 20 years for that Chinese hair creme to kick in.
He's got some money in the bank account ... ladies.
Someone's been to Michigan.
One titled from his selected bylines: "The UN's Human-Rights Sham." He's definitely Woody Allen's progeny. Unlike Soon Yi Previn, who was not only an adult when their affair started, but was not adopted by Woody. He and Mia never even lived together. Come on, people. The only shitty thing he did was mack on his girlfriend's daughter.
John Slattery, keeping it tight.
Is that Garrett Lambert?
Did you read in NatGeo about all the Koalas in Australia who are dying because of dog attacks or car accidents? It's terrible! This makes up for it with cuteness and birthiness.
You'd think at least one of you has seen "Freaks and Geeks." James Franco only learned to read his senior year of high school. Obviously he has a lot of catching up to do grammatically. Give the guy a break!
I ain't sayin he's a golddigger, but he ain't messing with no octogenarians.
I think Gabe reposting what Kelly did just yesterday is proof positive that they're different people. Or maybe it's to trick us into thinking they're different people who don't read each others' blog posts when actually they are one in the same. Masterful.