
also somebody needs to post a link to the rad mash up of the opening theme of the wire with breaking bad, it was on the buzzfeed web zone yesterday, you should watch it, its pretty rad
there's way too much talk here about hungry game (boring looking rip off of battle royale I refuse to watch) and not enough photos of jennifer lawrence. The J.Law.
Either its yet more proof of hypocrisy or, since its two years later, perhaps a sign of having matured with age.
should be "a woman WHO bought a christmas tree" not " a woman THAT bought..." etc. You can't dehumanize people with the impersonal "THAT" when the personal "WHO" applies. Step up your game, bro.
"That's the problem!" - Spencer (repeated call back joke on The Soup a million years ago)
everybody jacks off on chat roulette
Not a fan of this downtown abby program. saw the first episode and parts of some later ones. not real interesting. Please stop mentioning this program going forward
What happens in Vegans stays in Vegans
I really don't appreciate the sexual objectification of this actor. It is demeaning to actors to treat them like nothing more than mere sex meat for your sex fantasies. Knock it off. Final warning.
Not trolling: I dont care for this show. Watched the first three or four episodes of season one and first half of season two's first episode. It seems so predictable and cheesy. I dont care about any of it. Case closed.
that could be good actually, give it a chance, cynical facebook account holder guy
No joke and not trolling: I intend to see the twilight movie at some point this weekend. Maybe we can all discuss these matters such as film review coverage and what not next week? Movie club stuff together as a family?
True, Gun is indeed absolute garbage. Its terrible. And it is STILL better than The Dark Knight. I rest my case.
he's our generation's christian bale. Gun is better than The Dark Knight
so Roman Polanski liked 50 cent huh?
Gabe wrote "knew spokesperson" when he meant "new" so who is the worse writer now???
did you mean "rapping" or was your ex a rapist?
Did I ever tell you guys I own a copy of the Gun dvd? This is the 50 cents movie also starring fat Val Kilmer
what was the song?
that's that prairie home companion crap by that old guy on the radio, can't stand it
Don't call me Frankly.
EXACTLY. Even by Bond movie standards - where you expect some goofball beyond realism and incredulity - this is just pushing it and forces you to roll your eyes and say oh whatever
which is snore inducing boredom, hate this so much
Yes. Thank you, agreed.
Plus I'm getting pretty sick of the internet saying "the new james bond movie is sooo deep and dark that it reminds me of how great those christopher nolan bat-man movies were also great for those same exact reasons." No. If "The New Bond Movie = All Those New Bat-Man movies" than that equation means it sucked.
No. Your excuses are denied.
I thought this was better than Quantum of Solace but no where near as good as Casino Royale. Also the lameness of Javiar Bardems character having planted the bombs in the various tunnels years in advance in just the exact place where he knew Bond would be standing eleven feet behind him just moments before a train would be passing by... or his buddies pulling up in their car right when he gets out of the tunnel at that exact moment, etc, it just strains credulity beyond anything acceptable even for an action movie that asks you to suspend your disbelief. Despite all the action scenes I was kind of bored. The seamlessness by which Bardem's character pulled off his schemes, the omnipotence, made everything seem inconsequential. So I ended up feeling bored. Also hated the cutesy pie references to Bond fandom. Casino Royale was so much better than this.
"oh poor me I'm so delicate my dainty sensitive precious little ears cant handle a few swear words boo hoo hoo" that's you talking
guys dont worry Romney might still win so there is still hope for you, all your hopes and dreams
ah hey guy I wanted to be FIRST in line
That is incredibly degrading to these actors to treat them like nothing more than fodder for your sex fantasies.
is zack braff the same guy who made a couple movies starring himself making out with Natalie Portman and Rachel Bilson? pretty sure I hate this asshole