
I really like how this ad is straight up admitting that eating McDonalds is a STUPID IDEA. Good ad!
Happy Friday, everybody!!
I'm always on the subway home during the how was your day post, so I love reading about everyone's day. Today is the day I actually post about mine! First, I was super exhausted all day, but that's because i got to see SPIRITUALIZED last night! In a tiny venue with like 100 other people for only $10. It was amazing! So, I was pretty pumped about that. On the down side, my roommates USED to be a couple, and now they are an EX couple, soooo I'm helping one of them move the last of her stuff today :( super sad and awful and I hope we will all still be friends but who knows with stuff like this? She also used to be in our band and now is not any more so that kind of hurts a little more. But now both of my cats are stepping all over the laptop looking for some love, so I'm off to attend to them! #hashtag
I keep reading the first line of the last paragraph as "GOOD JOB EATING BABIES!" and thinking, 'Wait, what?'
Yeah if you read this guy top to bottom, that tattoo is pretty much the best part.
Can't wait for Gabe to dismantle Buffalo 66!
Yeah! I love WTF and like his standup but I wasn't sure he would translate well to a TV show. Glad I watched the trailer.
I honestly thought, "A basketball, to help with the robbery!" though I don't know if that deserves full status as a thought.
I always read that white vinegar helps. Then I think "MEH" and then I fail.
Even with my poaching helpers I stink at poaching eggs. But they're so damn good I keep trying.
Vroom vroom! Gobble gobble (sounds of chewing on wet denim) VRRRROOOOOM.
Don't forget the bedwetting!
He seems so tan. I think March is really getting to me.
Guys I think I'm afraid of sloths now.
Ugh, I kinda feel like that is how my dad (an old person) would have phrased that question.
Is that last part of the intro supposed to be read like the song Shots?
Whoops! Good thing heimaey gave me that million earlier
That's what gave me the strength to ask.
I loved the first two seasons of Veronica Mars. was always kinda bad, wasn't it? Or should I show myself out?
I imagine this might be similar to my emotional trajectory if I ever made it to the Monsters' Ball. Afraid I'll never know, now.
Wow, somehow I FORGOT TO MENTION that I met R. L. Stein a few years ago! He was incredibly nice and we talked about cupcakes (we both think cupcakes are great).
This is from Goosebumps. Are You Afraid of the Dark was way scarier. Come to think of it, I can't remember any episodes. Just the terrifying intro. Which makes me think it was too scary for me to watch the episodes?
Yes, Say Cheese and Die was the best! But, it was already done on TV with a young Ryan Gosling
REPLY ACKNOWLEDGED (in lieu of an upvote)
This think piece about think pieces made me think, "Laura Dern is beautiful and I should have been watching Enightened."
Thanks Kelly!
Can this be labeled Too Funny For Work? #TFFW
Dog mugs? Am I doing this right?
I used to walk dogs and every year we had a doggie swim in May and WHY DID I EVER LEAVE THAT JOB?
Wayne Coyne, in Martian makeup.
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 2 HIGH CONCEPT