
I really appreciate your review. So i'll try to piggyback mine onto it! :O I thought the first half was fantastic and well structured. For instance, i could have watched David and his solitary idiosyncrasies for at least another 30 minutes. But then things just got disheveled super quick. Like with the sudden, totally forced yet completely casually delivered revelations, that aren't really discussed at all and are accepted at face value, like "It's a weapons base, not their home.", "They want to kill earth." The pinnacle of this being that even though there never was a ship-wide pow-wow about all the developments and insights, the guys in the end sacrifice themselves without even the least bit of questioning or hesitation. Not only did no one ever prove that the Engineers wanted to destroy earth, i don't think anyone even cared to explain it to everyone at any point before. Which is mostly because there no sense of actual centralized command structure. And only that, but a lack of a basic co-operation. When things go wrong they never have a meeting to share personal insights, figure out what's going on and how to proceed further, they just go dilly dallying around the ship, dropping their insights into individual smalltalk in a completely "by the way" manner. Another thing, which is a continuation of this, is that off-camera characters would at times be completely inert in their absence, popping up to serve a single scene and disappear again, while it would make sense they were trying to figure things out and act in some way. One glaring instance of this is when they try to put the preggo lady in stasis, she escapes and then during a lengthy scene involving only her, nobody finds her or appears to be searching for her, and when she reappears nobody questions where she was. And too bad, because where she was is an interesting story; she was doing a cesarean on herself to deliver an alien baby. But since no one cares, the alien baby is just left somewhere until it grows into an alien adult. But outside such cumbersome shortcomings, there was plenty of smaller stuff for the nitpickers. Like the guy who is in charge of mapping the tunnels gets lost in the tunnels. But when they ask him where he is, he gives them exact coordinates. Or the med-pod in Theron's room, which is there because she's super anal about surviving all eventualities, is configured for operating on men only. Sure, it was probably for the old guy, along with the whole life-pod-habitat-thingy, but why would you EVER program a machine like that for men only, especially if you need constant care from other personnel, which needs to be healthy to take care of you. On a closing note, i didn't like David's sass. I know the theme with the robots is that their inner life is richer, and darker than we think, but his quips and comebacks were at times downright alarming and too revelatory about his person, yet everyone just brushes them off. I can't imagine if that's the case with all the Davids, or even just this one for a longer period of time, that someone wouldn't have gotten wise about their/hish schtick. And don't get me started on the whole nonsensical evolution into the first actual xenomorph.
I thought he was gonna go all the way backwards without looking back, i guess he wasn't aware of the poignancy and symbolism of the moment.
I feel like how In the end the date actually being her going into a creepy tiny room where she built a shrine for her boyfriend is very multi-layered and conceptual. Are we sure James Franco didn't make this?
I always paste these addresses into my browser but every time i get an error. I'm beginning to think some kind of fraud is afoot!
It's a Head Swap!
The ridiculous mess of this post is a testament to what a Parenthead i am.
There were so many forced and contrived moments in this episode. I pride this show in having a natural and nuanced progression, every action usually has a sensible, human catalyst. Often it's subtle and not spelled out, and that just makes it all the more natural, gracious and life-like, but it's always there. However Sarah leaving her boyfriend was JUST NUTS!!!! EVERYTHING WAS GOING GREAT! The bumps and the doubts were BEHIND THEM!! Then they have completely dumb OH WAIT, WHATZ HE SHOWED UP AT THE WEDDING??? I'm currently watching it!!! Well that was a bit of forced drama with no other purpose but to spice up the finale. Like i was saying, they have a dumb conversation in a bar about how you can't just go to Ireland with a baby, and she STAYS UP ALL NIGHT thinking about CRAP? Exsqueeze me?! Maybe the catalyst was that she said she maybe couldn't have a baby, and he insensitively fired off that she will? Leaving a sense a sense that she must have a baby. But who brings that shit in the middle of a casual chit chat, and then takes the unthinking chit chat answer as a reason to break up with someone she's completely devoted to wITHOUT HAVING AN ADULT CONVERSATION ABOUT IT? And then what, at the wedding he basically says he wants a baby, but he wants them to first be together. WELL DUH, THAT'S HOW IT WORKS! And they get back together. But won't she feel like he's constantly baby leering over her, cos he said he wants a baby? So what's changed? If he said, i first want to be together, and then at a later date when we're ready, we'll reach a mutual decision on the baby. But he didn't say that. I also found it funny that at the adoption agency Joel says that since they're widening their net they're open to all races and ethnicities. Does that mean they wanted only a white baby so far? The RACIST SHITS! Also, they make a point of it still being a baby, and then they get a grown KID? WHAT? I understand Adam tearing up the napkin(?) (Really, a napkin? Not the strongest, or definitive gesture) as with Crosby backing down, he was now the jerk, and the festivities gave him high spirits. But i mean it happens like moments after he has a talk with Haddie that her schooling is secure. Is it because when he tells her she's got nothing to worry about she almost rolls her eyes, like duh, why would she be worried, she's Haddie. Fuck you Haddie! Also, if i was Drew, and my mom touched my Sex Sweat i would have thrown up. DOn't touch my SEX SWEAT MOM!!!! I understand the Amber thing. Kristina totally humiliated her in front of Bob, i wouldn't feel adequate before him for a long time either. And she also reacted like Bob was using her, so that would make me even more uncertain of myself. But keeping the job seems a little to pragmatic and cold, i would have tried to distance myself completely. Still, hopefully that heralds more Amber / Bob stuff in the future. And of course, Jasmine and Crosby. It's fine. I hate them together, but, i understand it. They're both fuckups. Anyway, i love this show!
Are you saying Gabe is annoying?! *puts his fists up and moves them like he's turning a winch*
I like Sarah Polley. I would root for her in a fantasy street brawl between her and Keira Knightley.
I bet it's related to Keira Knightly, but he feels guilty because she's a perfectly fine young actress, but my god she's like a contrivance android who's CPU has been reset from read only and is now learning new ways to be contrived in, though generally she's very nice and there's little factual basis for such thought!
Holla to all my argument weirdos who feel comfortable posting only when the jokies are replaced by arguments!
Next he'll start pronouncing his name as Ricky GerVaahz.
He's angry because of being imprisoned and degraded to an oddity to ogle at in passing! LOL JK It's actually just being a big violent asshole who likes killing.
Firstly, it's perfectly acceptable to not like someone because they're old, so i don't see what's wrong with liking someone because they're young. Secondly, if you met an old dude into bands and shows i doubt you'd be exhilarated for finding someone your own age who shares your interests, because the reality is that they appeal to you for what they signify, which is ultimately youth.
Come on, don't be so on the nose. Like, i feel emotionally inadequate dating girls my age, and weird old ladies with issues seem less threatening. So it's all about gerontophilia for me actually.
We should introduce Tony to Ingo Von Stein, the owner of the Schticky product line, including Schticky, Little Schticky and Big Schticky.
My Big Schticky often causes a lot of shame. :o
That was the worst part. And as for unwanted guests.... what? You throw it at them? Your bug infested home drives them away? They're put off by your enthusiasm over a lint roller? Oy indeed.
It pays for itself by picking up piles of pennies!
Homeland started off really good, but pretty soon went downhill. My opinions on why contain a lot of spoilers so here's a link to them
I wonder if she tried to get that male birthday stripper to attend bible study.
Well look who it is, the GREAT dictator! Yay, just what i ALWAYS wanted, my own private Idaho! It's okay if you don't Let me in, i can't even feel my feet being cold anymore! Oh, i see, we have to wait till Batman begins. Take your time Batman, please!
They say it's an airplane, but i know an airplane, it looks like this!
Great last comment, or BEST last comment?
I think the problem is that they draw out this rather simple premise to a feature length movie, where it becomes vague and distorted, diluted by the length and buried under a unwarranted amount of hollow aesthetic and style which makes the good, but simple premise, seem overly self-important and bloated.
I'm watching the next season just to see Daryl and Sophia's mom bone. I loved it how Daryl got awkward in front of her in the barn cos she acted like she didn't want him to do stuff for her anymore, and then spazzed out when he tried throwing the saddle to look tough and then got mad at her because she saw him being a total dorkus. Their romance is so school-yard crushy.
A lot of them had their faces rotted off. I bet Hershel didn't know which one was his wife and was feeling really silly and hoped no one would notice.
I imagine everyone else who upvoted you read that in a smugly sarcastic, Chelsea Handler voice, like i did just now.
It's awful because going down the well to kill a swollen zombie is nothing like portal, and also, although the show itself technically panders to nerds by default, being based on a zombie comic book, they haven't made a precedant of actual in-show nerd pandering so to start doing so in the end of the second season feels too late, forced and contrived.
We didn't get our first world the way it is without complaining about anything, nor will we continue to make it better by stopping to do so.
I liked the part when Gabe simply decides that she's a terrible mean person, based seemingly just on her being pretty and successful. Also the part where he pretends he doesn't know that she's making a straight-forward point that grown ups go to jail for being obsessive stalkers, and instead acts like she said something stupid. Gabe'd!
I thought she could look even human-er, so here's another version
Here's my attempt to make Anne Hathaway and her boyfriend look normal, instead like grotesque socialite caricatures.
It's such a sad self-image conservative women have. Grown women calling themselves chicks, and putting a lips stamp in the end? I'm sure they're conviced they're just being playful and cute, but why would a grown woman make herself to be playful and cute when talking about, what she at least thinks, are serious subjects? It's sad how cockwhipped they are.
Actually, i'd take the opposite view. It's sexist toward men. Women are sexually mad aggressive in this show, if men acted like the women act, they'd be called sexist or worse. Both the farm girl and Andrea were the aggressors in initiating sexual contact. No man implied explicitly or otherwise that what they needed was a good fuck, they themselves wanted a good fuck, and went after it. The men however were portrayed as passive, sex-eager sluts, just waiting to be ridden. At best, that's emancipating toward women, at worst it's double standards and sexist toward men.