
I can't tell you how many times I have the "Ickus and Funggggus. He's not a virrrrus. Don't call him Pustulllleeee" diddy in my head and I have no one with which to share it.
If this movie gets made and it doesn't star Hugh Grant and Sandy Bullock, I will eat my hat.
How have we let this happen?? I have never wanted to throw my remote through my TV more than when I watched this movie.
SERIOUSLY?!? I would love to watch a whole roomful of twihards watching Hard Candy. Watching their little brows furrow over the pedophile=bad could be the next youtubes-of-people-watching-2-girls-1-cup.
I know it shouldn't influence me, but your avatar makes pretty much everything funnier as my inner monologue reflexively reads your comments with Kenny Powers' drawl.

This comment in particular could easily have come from his mouth...

Yes, that imagery is weird, but if you've ever seen Nigella anywhere else you would never lump her in with Toby. She seems 1, really genuine 2, actually a talented chef and 3, someone who just loves food. See , for instance. Sorry to be Nigella's lawyer, she is glorious.
Honestly, it's times like these that make me disappointed I am single, as I would LOVE to surprise a boyfriend one night to find those undies staring back at him.