
I once at 15 slices of pizza in one sitting (not in one minute but not bad for a then 130-pound high schooler). Why am I telling you? Because I tell everyone.
There's a Mexican restaurant in the East Village called Downtown Bakery and I always call it Downton Bakery and say things to my wife like "I can't wait for Senora Padmore to make me some enchiladas." You had to be there I guess.
"In the land of the douchebags, the one-eyed man is King."
To be fair, if you clicked on a video titled "Ryan Rox - Lose Control," by the time he started "singing" you had probably already figured out that he was Ryan Rox. Also to be fair, that video is worse than Pearl Harbor (both the movie and the actual event).
You know, I never noticed the resemblance between Gosling and Jared Leto.
That's tough to watch. It's like she's constructing her sentences using manatees and idea balls.
What's the deal with Seinfeld syndication? If Seinfeld reruns are the most profitable shows on TV, why not build the entire TV schedule out of Seinfeld reruns?
When did Carles start writing for Videogum?
That thought did not even cross my mind.
Hey, they said Battleship wouldn't work, and look how that turned out. So yeah, this does seem like a bad idea.
I think the abortion joke was playing on the fact that Raddatz's question was stupid. If you're going to ask about abortion, ask about abortion. Don't mention they're Catholic and then try to tie that fact -- which is irrelevant considering the First Amendment and the fact that there's no religious test for office -- to their political stances on abortion. I did not get the Sandusky joke. At all. Was the point that the actual commercial has a completely random collection of celebrities? I don't know. Weird and not funny. Overall, yeah, bad. The iPhone and Odysseus bits were the best. And they were only fair. Jean K. Jean always get a chuckle out of me, and Arianna Huffington was OK (the Paul Ryan is a Lifetime Movie killer was funny) but even Weekend Update was the worst it's been in a while.
Every time I watch Top Chef or TC Master with my fiancee, and they go to Whole Foods, I say shop shop shop cook cook cook and get a laugh. (And she knows where I got it from; I'm not trying to pawn it off as some funny little thing I made up.)
Or, if you grafted 20 pounds of human flesh onto Scott Stapp's face...
You're the Tony Romo of Videogum commenters. /sport
What's weirder: that you call China O'Brien movies "Cynthia Rothrock films," or that I knew what you were talking about?
Sam, it's starting to wear a little thin.
Jay Baruchel is currently writing a sequel to Goon Um, it's pronounced "Go On."
Can you imagine? An animal eating another animal??? This is less gross than your average episode of Man vs Food.
Yeah, I mean, "Brobots" seems like the actual answer to the question.
"Walt, you DID build that!" (Thunderous applause)
I am not using this comment as a writing sample. Yeesh. C+.
I'm seeing a lot of criticism online about Walt's sudden change. To me, it seemed entirely plausible. Yes, he unflinchingly rejected Jesse's entirely persuasive argument about why he should get out. And yes, in this episode, he reached his nadir by ordering ten hits. But people can change, quite suddenly, and there were a couple things that happened that I thought clearly made Walt change his stance. First, Hank makes the "monster" comment. Of all the things that Walt fancies himself ("the one who knocks," a man "in the empire business"), I don't think "monster" was something he considered himself to be. But I think Hank's comment threw him a bit. What else is someone who does what Walt has done? Is he not a monster. Second, Skylar took a new approach with Walt (due to Marie telling her that she needed to take the kids back). Rather than spitting in his face, which only made him double down, she said she wanted the family back. Then she physically showed him how much money he'd made. It's tough to say you need more when you're staring at that much money. And even though he'd said he didn't have a family anymore, he'd only said it because Skylar had made it clear she didn't love him. Once she offered him a peace offering, it changed his outlook: he *could* have his family back. And now, unlike the other times Skylar had pleaded with him, he couldn't argue that the family wasn't financially secure. My $0.02
You know, I'm going to trust Barack Obama to decide whether he thought Joe Biden was being racist when he made that inartful compliment. Given that he named Biden his running mate, the answer was obviously no. I hate this tit-for-tat crap. Democrats say dumb things. And you know what, some Democrats say racist things. But let's not pretend that one party is not a gazillion times worse when it comes to this stuff and race relations in general. Let's just not pretend, OK? And this isn't directed as you, Costco. I just see a lot of forced "equivalence." It's BS. Joe Biden's policies are good for minorities, and his poor choice of a word doesn't change that. And who's even complaining? White people. That's who. Republicans and white liberals who are embarrassed by Biden.
Yeah, I mean, Barack Obama has no executive experience whatsoever...except for BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR ALMOST FOUR YEARS. So it's just that tiny sliver of experience. Other than that, he was just a "community organizer," haha, wink wink, and you know what that means (drug dealer).
And Teen Korner. Don't forget Teen Korner.
Yeah, as if Cronenberg actually reads American Cinematography Magazine "for the articles." Sure, buddy.
"So, um, remember in those movies when you played characters who weren't a self-righteous, narcissistic bully?" "Yeah, I remember." "That was AWESOME!"
I just want to know where they get those backwards hats. All my hats have the brim in the front. I can't find out those backwards hats anywhere!
I've read a lot of recaps of this episode and this is the most critical, by about 5000 kilos. Diff'rent Strokes for Diff'rent Folks. I like Rian Johnson, but I think he's watching too much Dexter. The floss, the blood dripping, the bacon?
I've read a lot of recaps of this episode and this is the most critical, by about 5000 kilos. It was a great episode, in my view. I like Rian Johnson, but I think he's watching too much Dexter. The floss, the blood dripping, the bacon?