
Look, I'm just gonna post pictures of my friend's adorably wonky kitten, Frinkle. I HOPE Y'ALL DON'T MIND
Also: man this episode isn't funny. And didn't Family Guy already do the same Randy Newman parody?
Do you also feel like the writers of that bit didn't actually watch Persepolis, and instead just wrote a 'parody' based on what they thought the movie was about? Also, I realize calling 2011 Simpsons 'lazy' is redundant but Persepolis is probably the only movie they parodied that I have any emotional investment in.
I also enjoyed The Prestige. David Bowie as Nicola Tesla!
Are you trying to break my heart?
Big Boi is VERY ENTHUSIASTIC about this topic: That fur hat he's wearing? Lined with TIN FOIL!
Official Momster for sure! I see what I did there!
Haha. I could watch this all day.
Does his name rhyme with 'Rand Paul'?
He may have questionable tastes in sweaters, but his decision to 'jump ship' was spot on!
I would give you a hand but it feels like you are reaching on this joke. *Can I get a ride home from you?
Once again, Eek-A-Mouse:
How does this show exist without the involvement of Jamaican musical superstar and all around awesome dude Eek-A-Mouse? U DUN GOOFED, CANADA
What is a Jake Fogelnest? What is a Boxxy? I'm already on cold meds this isn't helping with my perception of reality, guys.
I'll just... leave this here:
Okay. I laughed out loud at work. Good job.
It also sounds like he has a broken shift key and only the most tenuous grasp on written English.
"To cut direct to the chase to avoid drama, conflict or confusion" Sounds like this guy already has a rough draft in his head!
There was an episode of Daria that had a very similar joke. Perhaps it was an homage!
This is still one of my favorite Father Ted moments:
So your boss is basically David Brent.
Try to crash the stage on 'Dancing With The Stars' or somehow manage to end up on Fox News.
I started to type it that way but then I got to the word "Questionable".
All my upvotes. You has them.
Kardashian Clan Composes Questionable, Confounding Christmas Card. Converse!
We WERE in Kansas. We are no longer in Kansas.
Man, that one-year-old wearing a suit creeps me the fuck out. I hope he shits all over that very expensive outfit.
I actually have yet to see this on any of the sites I frequent. Didn't show up on Salon, and they are pretty good at talking about shit like this. I thought for sure it would be on Digg. Nope. No one I know has posted it on Facebook either, which is a surprise because I know some pretty misanthropic people. Oh, wait. There it is on Slate's front page as a 'trending topic'. Oh good, it says (VIDEO) real big.
This may have been too obscure. I apologize!