
It was great! I've been trying to get to my photos but am having trouble at work, so you'll all have to use your imaginations or follow me on twitter or instagram or facebook or fly me back to Japan and I'll show you.
Are your real dogs jealous of all these dream dogs?
Benedict Cumberback
I kind of want to try to learn how to knit. But maybe I should try crocheting instead?
Look, if you whole movie is based on the idea that Santa is evil, and then you don;t even show us evil Santa? Big bummer. It was pretty and the boy was very cute and the other boy with the mullet had a great boy mullet, but why not show us Santa?
Ho ho ho, Molly Christmas!
The Lost Control of Your Bladder Boys
Something something yeezus something....
Good job Kelly! Who's Gabe?
There's no way my dog would wear that thing on his head.
Have you ever seen the British version? It's very British.
And no Frasier???
No Adventure Time?
Nothing is quite as seasonally appropriate as pineapple in New Mexico in December.
My day has been full of conflicting emotions! I'm still sad the last Best Show was last night, but am happy because Tyson Chandler is back and playing tonight. I'm very excited because I'll be on a plane to Tokyo this time next week, but it's been tough waiting out the days bored at work watching the clock. Oh, and it was birthday cake day here at work, but then it turned out it was Pineapple cake, so again a mixed bag!
Home Alone continues to reveal its secrets to us all as the years go by.
Is this how One Direction got so popular?
We should all be so lucky.
Doesn't it seem like every show is now just a twitter show? I feel like they're even reading tweets on old re-runs of Frasier.
Sweet Dee looks like a bird.
If the dog isn't a hero, then why is he wearing a cape?
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Click Remote
God Rest Ye Merry League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Oh Holy Nightmare on Elm Street
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree of Life
Happy Gilmore Xmas (War is Over)
Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time Bandits
I mean, it was fun to watch in some ways, but didn't really get me in the Christmas spirit, you know? We can talk on Thursday (or whenever it's posted).
Between this and watching Rare Exports yesterday, I'd say Christmas is ruined this year.