
Shame Margin Call and Descendents aren't on here.
In defense of the ancient members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, The Help would have probably only been mildly racist and insulting in their glory years.
Pitchfork annually has one good feature, and that is the best of the guest lists. This is where you find out what the more interesting musicians of the year are listening to, which is a far more valuable resource and much more interesting than what music writers or even the fans think.
Thank God people are taking sides in the epic Community vs Parks and Recreation battle. And yeah, I'm tired of all that pretentious Andy Dwyer physical comedy too. Those pratfalls aren't as smart as you think they are, writers!
I think you make a good point. More information should be gathered before putting faith in any study. On the other hand, if you felt the study was flawed, your post would have been a good place to state why. Hopefully the omission of such evidence was not a result of the same lazy lack of research being railed against. I was a bit surprised that 74% of people surveyed got news from a local paper in the last week, more than from any other source. I guess it's a good time to get into the newspaper business! Results such as those give me some reservations, but I don't pretend to know enough about polls and studies to really be able to evaluate the quality of this one. Hopefully a larger scale poll that deals with more than just New Jersey will follow. Changing the criteria of having to have received news from any of the given sources just once during the past week may affect outcomes as well.
If farting is funny then I'm Don Rickles.
I'm still waiting for Selena Dos.
Geez, you made me skim that whole Wikipedia article on rapture. OK, so I think I understand it now. The Christians go to heaven while everyone whose name isn't written in the book of life dies in a lake of fire. Then, when all the Buddhists and homosexuals are dead and it's safe, God plops all of us good folks back down in Tennessee or wherever we reside, and THEN I start living the dream with all the fancy stuff that was Left Behind. Also, there is this part in the fantasy where we are all bored and stuck in heaven while the heathens are being purged, and I say something witty like, "Is this heaven or purgatory? I wants my flatscreens!"
If I was Christian and the rapture happened I think I would be kind of gloaty and douchy as people got sucked into the sky around me. I would definitely rub it in and throw out more than a few "I told you so's" to the panicked heathens. Then I would go and find an empty mansion to live in and fill it with giant TVs and XBOXs from all the abandoned homes. My 10 acre backyard would be entirely carpeted with trampolines. I would drive around a different one of Jerry Seinfeld's cars every day of the week. The only television stations left after the apocalypse would be Fox News and CBS (making a blind guess here - I've never seen a CBS show), and I would fucking love it. Tim Tebow would be the president of the United States. Bible Study would be a college major. Professional sports would basically remain intact. Thanking God for those good plays pays off. Anyway, why are people so intent on making predictable disaster porn? Make a movie about a post apocalyptic world inhabited by only a hand full of the cookiest Christians. Now THAT I would pay to see.
Perhaps I can unsweeten the pot with a little Deep Impact and Changing Lanes... Actually the movie looks like strange, silly fun, and I am honestly intrigued.
I'd rather she broke up with M. Ward.
I love the two legged dog video, but it is clear from the video menu that pops up upon its completion that the uploader is a psychopath.
Sandler and Sandler. Our generation's Heat is right around the corner.
No history of rap is complete without a nod to David Faustino.
Are you saying that Cranston isn't over the top?
Jesus, which diabetes delivery method does he prefer?
The "methinks" comes at the end of the quote. Thanks theater degree. Thanks for unemployment and downvoted comments.
Into the Abyss looks amazing and I absolutely dread seeing it.
She said "Hi Ryan" but her overused quirky comedy pause in between the words made it seem like an insult.
I'm pretty sure that's Ryan Phillippe.
I clicked on the link, and I think the real story is that ascot and all the amazing things that are happening around it.
They are stunted. Emotionally and intellectually stunted. They are angry, stubborn, selfish, superficial, brash, and cruel. They are like children are when children are at their worst. Reason and empathy eventually move kids past the cruel, irrational behavior. With little of either, it's not hard to see why the folks at Fox never grew up.
They should get one of the blond haired, blue eyed Ryans. Maybe pull a Dr Parnassus with it and get a few.
He should have stopped at Bowling for Columbine. He just makes us look bad now.
In the music studio they have better effects to cover up the fact that he phones it in regularly. Have you heard the Otis lyrics? I would say they are bad, but they are basically par for the course. Can we just put him on a deserted island with his biggest fan Gwyneth already?
I don't know. These mong jokes seem like they might be a bit ironic. That being said, he strikes me as smug and far too proud of himself. I still can't get over how much he and many bland Golden Globes viewers celebrated the "rebelliousness" of his relatively tame, tired jokes while hosting.\ It's like, the less funny he gets, the more egotistical he gets, which actually makes sense from a psychological standpoint.
The correct response to "speaking of the climate change debate" is "there is no climate change debate."
And who better to represent the left than a bunch of musicians? Must be hard to undermine those arguments...
Haha - shieeet. I just got introduced to Gustavo during my Netflix catching up. I really have no complaints about the post of course. Just saying I feel your pain That One.
Thank you for making a New Girl joke. It's been stressful to see that show somehow avoid the Whitney treatment.
I want to create fake accounts so I can upvote this more.
I see he went with the slimming neon yellow.
It's a good thing you abbreviated your comment, otherwise I would have run into the same problem reading it.
It is a little painful and strange to watch movies try to take Batman, as a character, seriously. Sure Bale has been in the best Batman movies and has been surrounded by the most interesting villains, but if you just look at Batman himself, he makes the most sense and is the most enjoyable to watch when his absurdity is acknowledged. That puts West at the top of my list, followed by Keaton, followed by anyone else who thought having a tricked out car and special belt was a bit silly.
Did they draw songs out of a hat?
Guess not.