
p.s. the racial diversity amongst the wizards is noted and fully appreciated
please share your results with us!! If you need any inspiration with weird scenarios I humbly suggest anything from this article:
That upvote was for your husband, if you could just pass that along please. #ROMANIA
the various wraps included are also very problematic. i'm barely willing to accept the open-faced sandwiches as it is.
As far as I'm concerned this is the only link I am reading today:
Benedict Unencumberedbatch
I usually go for some kind of mage/wizard-type and then secondarily add in thief/rogue/assassin stuff. If there are any kind of weird classes in the game that either combine those or are some completely different thing (as examples from Diablo 2/3, Necromancer/Druid/Demon Hunter/Monk) I am all over that.
I have a similar pet theory about Magic: the Gathering (you know, that card game only really cool people play) - everyone's personality matches up fairly well with some combination of the color types in that game (if you don't play MtG, make sure you set aside at least like, an hour of free time before you ask anyone what these are). Like, I'd say I was blue/black.
DO MI SO MI DO MI SO MI FA SO LA IT GOOEEESSSSS my little sister was/is a budding cat lady so this whole movie is very ingrained into my childhood. happy nostalgia friday everybody (this is literally my fb profile picture right now)
Is it just me or are there a lot of November birthdays? My three closest friends and my boyfriend are all November birthdays (ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE = TRUTH) which makes it a very stressful present-buying time of the year for me. (Mine is March 25th. If I remember correctly it's the same as Elton John and the head sculptor-designer of Mt Rushmore)
Wait, isn't it the Purge for animals all the time, 24/7/365? That makes their lives sound really intense.
He's waiting for the Purge
If you guys are bored can we talk about rock hyraxes and their FACES?? What are those facial expressions?? I can't get enough of them.
My favorite names for cats (not mine) that I have heard are: 1. Dolphin Princess 2. Tickles Ridiculous
What if the poltergeist is now a ghost commenter? What if there are vgum comments being left here from BEYOND THE GRAVE??? :o
This is my problem too! I love horror movies and novels, but just none of the ones with vampires, zombies, or serial killers. Unless you are doing something like, super conceptual with them. Ghosts are ok because there's a lot more leeway about what exactly is a ghost, so people do lots of interesting stuff with the idea.
Oh, your photo didn't load until I checked on my home laptop - they're little eggs. I shrunk the photo before I posted it to save you guys some trauma. If you are feeling bug-inclined you can get a better idea what they look like here
I'm using feedly now, which looks like it has sharing capabilities, but I have no idea how they compare to GR because I've never shared stuff on either...
Haha, I'm pretty sure I got that phrase from videogum to begin with. You've created a monster! (ba-duhm tshhh) But yeah, it also didn't stop me from eating the rest of the berries without washing them, sooooo...
Oh also I learned exactly what "Fancy" ketchup is - it's a measure of the amount of tomato solids in the ketchup (33% solids as opposed to "Standard" ketchup, which is 25%). I've been wondering what was so fancy about those dumb little ketchup packets since I was a kid, so this is a very satisfying piece of information for me.
I just did that too and it's kind of alternate-universe-Google-Reader where everything is similar but just different enough to be off-putting. Change is, indeed, the worst
I was in the middle of enjoying some farmer's market berries when I got to this one ...and now I'm dead RIP me goodbye world (just kidding. I'm a bug nerd and after the initial shock I'm pretty sure they're Thyanta custator, the red-shouldered stink bug)
Thoughts on monkey operating vending machine: 1. this monkey is so smart it's making me uncomfortable 2. JESUS MONKEY CALM DOWN IT'S JUST A JUICE
How is your sister's #1 birthday wish not "see Sharon Needles and Alaska RIGHT NOW"?? You have a couple of weeks to convert her!
This is the comment I've been waiting all week to upvote. Thank you. (P.S. I'm seeing Latrice perform this weekend! ON A BOAT! Happy Portland Pride everybody!)
For a while, before it logged me out entirely, every time I went to upvote something, it would work briefly, and then the number of upvotes would go back down and the thumb would un-green itself. It was the most disheartening thing. UPVOTE REJECTED :(
re: low upvotes - at least for me (and some people on Stereogum where someone started a similar thread this week) I've been having logging-in problems - I straight up can't log in at all on Chrome and finally had to try commenting via IE (ugh) just to see what was up. And while it was very stressful not being able to upvote every drag race gif anyone ever posts, I was also too lazy to look into further until you asked. Thanks for your concern Gabe!!!
Sorry but this is the way I am reading that comment: "Watch sexy babes work in an office with LITTLE to NO AIR CONDITIONING! They're HOT and EXXXTRA ORNERY!!"
When I read this I was totally picturing Naomi Campbell, which made this headline a lot more confusing.
A really intense Japanese game(?) show did this where they locked a guy in an apartment with zero possessions and he had to win all of his stuff via sweepstakes only -
ECHA PALANTE(sp?)!!! Carmen was pretty clueless but for some reason I remember her fondly...she was kind of unintentionally hilarious? Like in a vapid pretty girl way? Better than being Phi Phi clueless, anyway.
I made a painting for Mother's Day and mailed it off today which is pretty satisfying (compromise between my mom's desire for flowers and pretty colors and my desire for incomprehensible geometric structures) and then next week I'M GOING TO COPENHAGEN + MALMO FOR EUROVISION WEEK AHHHHHHHH
Manila's flapper outfit!! Raja's every single outfit!!! Her latest one at the season 5 reunion/crowning continued this trend. Season 3 was definitely the best one fashion-wise, if you ask me (shout out to Yara Sofia too).
Now that all the terrible drama Alyssa and Coco were having is in the past and all that's left is reaction gifs, I'm pretty on board with Alyssa and her crazyface. The fan art in the recap episode just about killed me
One time I dreamed I rode a tandem bicycle with Taylor Swift. We also took a plane somewhere and I was all excited to tell my friends how awesome she was (I still did, upon waking). I feel like we've been BFFs ever since
Wow, now I feel like I need to save this information for future blackmailing, or something... ...anyways, Porpentine's stuff is more CYOA than text-parsing IF...I've only played one actual IF game so far, which was Counterfeit Monkey by Emily Short, which was Very Good and Quite Clever (official review).