
This album is like a rocket ship to Awesomeburg. Population, my boner.
I like how it looks like that guy in the striped shirt is missing a hand. ATTACH THE BABY TO HIS ARM FOR POWER.
Word up, holmes, on #2. I LOL out loud when people say, "The Road is so grueling and relentless!" Okay, yes, sure, but ironically, it's a very quick read (Oprah loves it!). The prose definitely puts a low ceiling on the relentlessness of it all. Blood Meridian, though? Fuuuuuuck. I'm sorry, but nothing in The Road even comes close to detailed descriptions of NATIVE AMERICAN ANAL RAPE.
You watch your mouth about TGIFriday's.
The Lonely Island? More like The Lonely Island Really Sucksland.
What's more egregious is forcing the child to wear a Mizzou Tigers shirt. Collegiate loyalty ZING!
I guess this means no pussy falafel for Janeane.
I don't know. Not terribly funny. Certainly no better than the best fight scene spoof. Though this was funnier than any Lonely Island offering. Go ahead, vote it down. You know I'm right.
This is the last time I drive to Canada to masturbate in my van.
Let's be honest. The only way I'm not having sex with her is if the Zodiac killer shoots me in the head before I unwrap the prophylactic.
I'll just do the ones the Telegraph did because I'm lazy. "You cut off my arm, Darth Vader." - Empire Strikes Back "Eat this apple for good luck." - Snow White "Pound sand, you hippies." - Dirty Harry "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." - Casablanca "Don't hurt my dog in the basket!" - Silence of the Lambs "Remember when Tyler Perry was our dean?" - Star Trek "I have a hard time reconciling human rights and slave labor." - Gone with the Wind "Everybody loves motherfuckin' baseball, Ray. Fuck." - Field of Dreams "It was weird because while I was dreaming, I didn't even realize you guys were all in it. Aren't dreams weird in Kansas anymore?" - The Wizard of Oz "I'm going to jump in this pool for awhile." - The Graduate
But, of course, CoD's stereotypes aren't racist. I said it.
I don't know, it looked goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood to me.
Further, do you think they mention in the sermon that the song they used comes from the album F.U.C.K.?
This totally wasn't worth it until 1 minute in, and then it became COMPLETELY WORTH IT. Also, why do they show two planes crashing into each other at the end?
This explains the missing tooth.
You're already there.
It's more like Santa touching your no-no zone and then posting YouTube clips of himself being unapologetically creepy, as if this is appropriate behavior for a pederast Santa Claus.
Love this. Local news blows.
Damned time. "You know what they say, Timmy. All's fair in love and war." "Which one is this, Dad?" "... Both."
Here's hoping Journalism College only solidifies Damon's already perfect interviewing stylings. "... it's a very important election, and we get to cover it. Me and you." "Hehe. That's funny."
Looks like someone dipped Christopher Lloyd in a vat of acid.
I tried to Butterfly Effect myself into the past to prevent ever accidentially writing "the eventually" when I meant to write "that eventually," but I couldn't get the umbilical cord around my neck on account of my little baby arms.
What's funny is that we're talking about bad movies re: chaos theory, and you even mention the Bradbury story, yet the movie of which we speak isn't A Sound of Thunder because holy shit, baboon lizards. GRANTED, nobody wakes up with missing limbs or goes back in time to kill himself in utero, but... well... BABOON FUCKING LIZARDS... the eventually grow wings and fly. Equally as ridiculous as fetal suicide, imo. (Nothing is as ridiculous as fetal suicide.)
Bloodsport A big Asian man gets punched in the nut sack. PS, I Love You Dead man sets ridiculously elaborate precedent for boyfriends dying of cancer.
Ghostbusters Despite threat of complete space-time annihilation, streams are crossed to coat New York City in marshmallow. Ghostbusters 2 Old painting facilitates baby kidnapping. Percy Sledge helps Statue of Liberty stave off spectre resurrection.
I've watched roughly one hour of Joel Bauer video in the last couple weeks, and I still have no grasp of what exactly this man does or can do for me. I know he has a pleasant enough voice. I know he used to be retarded. I know he spends too much time thinking about business cards and packing. I find myself in bed at night turning over the question, "What is Joel Bauer?" (Or, should I be asking WHEN is Joel Bauer?)
King of Kong: Dudes playing video games. One doesn't wipe his kid's poopy ass.
You should see their car phone tire swings.
Can we turn up the pink ape in the monitor?