
I love Tina Fey as much as one can love a famous person on a talk show, but Liz Lemon is the one I really wanna be friends with.
"Throw candy in his face" is my new approach to life
Or is it hilarious? I don't know if that squint is supposed to be a wink, but the possibility that that may be what's happening is worthy of laffs.
No, I think everyone watched past the 1:23 mark but is still more shocked and appalled by everything Jon Gosselin said in that interview
I'm just gonna sprinkle some amnesia dust (relevance!) and then it'll be like Stephen Merchant never even in that movie.
holy shit holy shit HOLY SHIT.
I Lots Of Loved at your avatar and screen name, then I realized it looks a little bit like Alpacaporn, which gave me deeply disturbing thoughts. And some funny ones too.
So what happens when you think you don't need to read the examples before getting in the game, is that you end up doing the same tagline as Gabe, just not as funny because Gabe.
"Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water....There's still some sharks"
"If You've Got A Taste For Terror... Or Pig's Blood... Or Big Fires in the Gym....Take Carrie To The Prom."
I keep waiting for this movie to tell me what the big disaster is. I mean, I get the premise, 2012 Mayan apocalypse or whatever, but can they please tell me why the ground is tearing up? At least The Day After Tomorrow was all GLOBAL WARMING IS COMING FOR US! But till now it seems as though the only explanation for 2012 and its geological disasters is THE MAYANS SAID SO.
I wish I could upvote this all day
Boy, that reply button sure is tricky!
I remember The Class, and as sitcoms go, it wasn't too bad. Had some laffs (mostly generated by Jesse Tyler Ferguson).
In a few days, when those images in my mind of the horseface close up become too much and I rip out my eyes with my bare hands, I'll think back and realize that I probably shouldn't have watched this right before bedtime.
That NBC player is a moody little Cranky Sue
A Terrence Howard Reminder: Sometimes It's Sunny But Sometimes It Rains Too!
Wait, Jack White has a sense of humor? And does little topical skits at film festivals? I think I'm missing something.
Was that actually a BOW? Does he end killing the bad guy in the woods with a bow and arrow? Please let him end up killing the bad guy in the woods with a bow and arrow.
Patricia Arquette is NOT AMUSED
How am i supposed to care about the awards for reality tv? Is CBS trying to make me go to bed? You're not the boss of me CBS!
Is it Opposite Day in Southern California?
You obviously know how to prioritize. Good job!
Bill Hader as James Carville was the most solid part of the show. "You just stare at him 'till he cries" So much laffs! The rest felt kinda flat though, even with Amy Poehler back.
I admire your perseverance. I can't do it. Any horror movie, or even a kinda creepy episode of Medium = Nightmare Town, Population Me. I used to love the excitement of horror movies, but after a while I decided that it wasn't worth it. I guess little muppet babies can't have it all.
This might be the stupidest movie ever (probably not, The Love Guru is still out there) with a cheap and stupid test-audience reaction trailer, but I'll be the first to admit that when it comes to horror movies (even stupid ones), I am a scared little muppet baby.
To me it sounds like a motivational phrase: "Keep fucking that chicken, some day you'll make it!" or "If at first you don't succeed, keep fucking that chicken!"
Even a little while after reading your comment (and the lollercoaster that followed), I'm still chuckling a bit. ALL THE UPVOTES!
At first I was sad that I'd be missing most of the VMA video pizza party, living in Europe and needing sleep to survive and all, but after watching a bit of the preshow, I'm okay. HAVE FUN MONSTERS DON'T BREAK ANYTHING! Love, Mom.
My thoughts exactly. And I'll always pay to see anything with JK Simmons and Allison Janney.