
Oh god, I can feel the silicosis progressing,
Poor soul. It always makes me sad to see people cry like that.
She sure made that old ladies day.
If you're going to say something, fucking say something.
Did you see at 1:30 where Ronald McDonald shoots Luigi with a gun that is his hand? Where can I get this video game?
I thought 'Time to Pretend' and 'Electric Feel' were pretty well known, I like the both of them more than 'Kids'.
What a great song! Oh wait, it's by David Byrne, I'm redundant.
P.S. Yea, I want to see boobs. There better be boobs on every robot in this movie. I also expect a mid battle sex scene for good measure.
I have to say, this movie looks SO GOOD.
Real ukulele players don't spam.
God damn it, I welled up so much towards the end.
When the cub stands up it looks like Max from Where The Wild Things Are.
At least blackface Japanese Louie Armstrong was talented.
1:33 Sorry Gabe.
I love this guy. He's my favourite d-bag.
Looks like it's time for my band to ironically cover "The Potty Dance" at our next show. We're so cool like that.
So wait, is that crazy college dropout yelling about psychology at a guy who double majored in psychology? That's really retarded. REALLY RETARDED. Also, nice Blur reference in the post title.
What I find strange is that out of the group of people observing (from the sound of it, 5 or 6) NOT ONE is concerned. Even in a group of potheads/irresponsible adults you would expect at least one person who thinks this is a bad idea.
"Did it feel like 3 minutes?" "Yes."
I love the line about the accordion being the most out of tune instrument in the fucking world, because it is so true.
Why does this feel like a shitty rehash of 'Let's Go To Bed'? It's probably the bass line. The thing is, this was a great performance, just a crappy song. Seriously, The Cure is so fucking tight it's like they have a vice grip on their music, I like that.
Okay, I have to keep watching these clips every chance I get just to ensure myself that I'm not imagining this whole thing. "Am I just remembering something from a weird dream?" **sees the log flume ride** "NOPE. STILL CREEPY."
Oh fuck, I watched the 20 minute clip and found that the 1001 Nacht she loves actually resides at my local amusement park, Knoebels. THIS WOMAN HAS INVADED MY PERSONAL SPACE. I don't think I can ever feel comfortable there again.
Did all Philadelphias children of the 80's have horrible speech impediments?
Are we sure that guy isn't a professional blogger in disguise? I'd be a liar if I said I didn't feel as though I was watching a live action videogum post.
I just was under for surgery like, 4 days ago. That kid is me 4 days ago.
I have ALWAYS given SO MUCH SHIT about Coraline. Seriously, the best part about this movie is that Tim Burton has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Nothing against the man, but maybe finally people will give Henry Selleck the credit he is due.
I think what confused the judges is that he is the only reasonable person to ever audition for American idol.
It's fun if you squint and pretend that woman is Ellen Degeneres.
I have never NOT finished a movie. To bear getting through this whole mess I had to watch it over the course of 3 days. 3 miserable, agonizing days.
She's not foreign, she's just kind of stupid.
I like how as the video conversation progressed, you could see O'Reily processing how stupid what they were talking about was.
I was like "What?" But then the balloon appeared and it was well worth it.