
I just upvoted both of facetaco's posts and you should too. Because that way he can get both posts into Monsters' Ball and it can be the longest, most annoying Monsters' Ball ever.
I made it into the Monster's Ball with a Benedict Cumberbatch joke that had nothing to do with his name! Thanks everyone!
Hmm, yeah well, Will Smith doesn't have to cuss in his raps.
It's still too soon. I'm not over the Robsten's breakup yet. I need time before I can fully commit to a celebrity relationship.
Hot Hot American Summer
Except this time it's real. People are going to stop being polite, even.
He killed her a total of three times by my count.
I personally can't wait for the next trailer, how about you guys?
Let's get this guy next to a lifting magnet.
I'm sorry, but this brought me closer to Satan.
Can we all agree that regardless of the nomination, it was an extremely good year when it came to Republicans being idiots?
Can we all agree that regardless of the nominations, it was an extremely good year when it came to quality television shows?
Where are they!? - Batman looking for upvotes on that awesome joke.
Where are they!? - Batman looking for Mitt Romney's offshore accounts.
Agh, I don't know if I love that line or if I don't like it. It felt maybe a little over the top psycho and more Stepfather II than Godfather II, but I can't make up my mind on that. But damn, what a season opening. Loved all of Old Joe's lines the most.
Best "Call Me Maybe" cover yet.
I'm worried about Jimbo from The Simpsons, guys.
Clearly not in on the joke yet.
A regular Roboto Baggio over here.
Wow, I just wanted to make a stupid joke. Didn't expect kobweb to actually tell me there was a good reason for the 301 views, and then link to a video that turned out to be pretty interesting and educational. The more you know!
How does this only have 301 views when Call Me Maybe has 85 million views?
Read aloud. Always correct your own English.
She probably shouldn't have taken that ambien before reading that letter out loud.
900 million of these hours were actually spent browsing for something actually worth watching.
In defense of the parents, Albert almost never drinks sodapop.
Reminds me of my wedding night (in that I spent it in San Diego).
That petition block quote about Hiddleston's sexiness would have sealed the deal had it just ended with the line "... in bed."
How about a spoiler alert next time, R. Kelly?
That right there is the T. gondii's effect on men.
Lost In Space (about a man named James Lost).
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