
This actually made me pretty cheerful! Thanks Gabe
hahahaha I love this comment
That scene made me think about my late boyfriend, who was so much like Jesse - Except if Jesse never killed anyone and just died from all the drugs and alcohol. AA and Al-Anon always freaked me out.
I think this coin flipping will come into play in a later episode.
No, I think that was meth. Another friend told me?
aaaand also Gabe and Max is loading for me. Sorry for the million comments!
Okay, I am thanking you Gabe because now I can finally watch Ru Paul's Drag U.
Wow I should have read this comment before going through the production of adding "modify headers". Maybe it will work for other things. Thanks Gabe for the try!!
I came in here because, yes, I do! I always say that most of the time I just wish I was dead. But then that would cause a lot of pain for my family and friends, so then I hope that all the people I love will die at the same time, but that would just be evil. So I hope every day that an asteroid will hit the earth and everyone goes together.
omg omg omg - I am alone in my own store and I am scaring away customers at the door by saying "oh god oh god oh god" out loud. Even after all these years on the internet, I didn't know about this and I really wish I still didn't know about it.
ugh, in no way is this the same. Anthony Weiner is not an attractive man. aaaaand I can't believe *that* is what I chimed in with.
Oh to live in the US and be able to watch these.
Oh my god, perfect! Yes this is exactly right.
If it makes you feel better everyone else in Canada hates Vancouver and Toronto equally.
Can I just say that for quite awhile I thought "Littlefinger" was the eunuch because... that name? Yeesh.
I don't know guys... we all make horrible mistakes in life, just some of us much more publicly than others. Maybe Tracy Morgan has deep-seated homophobia, but it could be a situation like this that causes him to re-examine what the thought was a normal and acceptable response. He could turn around and horrify me again, but for now I would like to hope that this is the start of a process of change.
As a teenage girl that made a special trip to see Nell in the theatre with my best friend (and German foreign national) I can say unequivocally that we also did not understand why we went to go see it... and left very angry at our wasted time.
Oh wow... Gabe's comment made me fan myself a little bit!! Hot stuff
Oh I respectfully disagree. I don't think they feel (or behave) the same at all.
The lights always look like super fancy false eyelashes to me.
Oof this just kind of hurt! We miss you Lindsay!!! And Double Dog!!
A-thank you!! I argued with you when you said this the first time. Season 4 gives me goosebumps and as the episodes go by, a mounting sense of dread. Those poor kids - it breaks my heart every time.
This is amazing advice! I might try one more time to get it right.
Jeez, I am surprised at how many people in Videogum are afraid of tattoo commitment? I dunno... live without regrets, I suppose!
My grandmother has been been watching AMC for like 20 years... I am concerned that that it's cancelled.
I am glad we are talking about poorly cooked pot stickers eaten while drunk. Every fucking time I buy pot stickers and try to cook them they break in the pan and turn into some disgusting noodley mess that I eat anyways because I am drunk.
Only if they are doing it right?
My heart broke when Lindsay left. She was just as funny and distinctively-voiced as Gabe. I just wanted to say that.
Also please make the new videos watchable from Canada and other countries. We want to see too!!
This might make me sound super nerdy, but I used to spend a lot of time on (specifically and I loved the commenting system there. The community was like the community here, but instead of responding to one (or two writers) we were responding to "headlines" (in totalfark most of them are of a personal nature - not actual news). Anyways, if we could emulate the Fark style of commenting and replies, I think there would be more continuity. tl;dr - LET'S COPY A DIFFERENT SITE
It's weird to me because my computer lets me stay logged into VG for days at a time. I login maybe twice a week and VG is my homepage (no lie). I don't know what you guys are doing but it is working for me!
I'm not going to lie - it's kinda catchy and I can appreciate the sentiment.
Holy. Shit. Back on Alias do you think Cooper and Michael Vartan would stand around talking in FRENCH?! *swoooooooooon*
She was a little loud for my tastes, but still I enjoyed it.