
196~ Someone: Yoko, don't you ever change! Yoko: *knowing smile*
Make a sassy one-piece out of a shiny raincoat and do cartwheels around the city.
I realize that Channing Tatum is technically a real person, but this still applies.
She should write about what a great building she lives in.
She may be the worst, but she brings out the best in you, Gabe. BRAVA, indeed.
I have a ponytail. And I had a dog once. And now I have something in my eye.
It's ok, I will nerd with you. I only read the very beginning of Runaways (it's on my list!), but a friend who's more familiar with it says that Joss' run on it is actually not nearly as good as "the original Brian K. Vaughn run," for what it's worth. -someone else's $.02
Something something, Obamacare, something something "magical back-healing rope."
It would be great if he was all "I actually loved the Bane voice."
Why the hell doesn't every town in Alaska have its own Taco Bell? They're just Arizona with snow.
I mean, why else is Mia Farrow on Twitter if not to at some point make light (not light) of this craziness? Twitter is a place for (among other things) ugliness, and if your ugly well is that irresistible (and contains basically nothing else), at some point you go to it. Brava, Mia. Brava. :(
I still don't understand what the George W. Bush heads were doing existing in bulk in the first place. Why hasn't this been explained? Has it been? Someone help me! I am so confused!
I saw her in Anything Goes last year. She is phenomenal. But...I can't. With the Bunheads. It's called "BUNHEADS."
That quotation is the most stomach-turning "Fuck, society is going to Hell in a hand basket" thing that I've witnessed since seeing New York City draped with American flags by the bloodthirsty pseudopatriots that cropped up in the wake of... well... you know.
I just tweeted something derogatory about the MTV Video Music Awards, unintentionally showing my age while attempting to show my age.
The judge said she needed to "clean up her act"? COME ON. I'm all for reintegrating offenders into society, but ... COME ON. I can't, it's too early. I MEAN COME ON.
Seriously. I know I'm grinding this axe pretty hard down below, but Samoas are so good you shouldn't even be able to trade money for them. You should have to volunteer to carry shit for the Girl Scouts, or drive them to the Jamboree, or whatever it is they need done. "Mow your lawn, do your homework? Please, just give me some of those cookies."
Why didn't she have the King's Justice in the back seat ready to cut her head off in case they were caught? Commoners really show their quality, am I right?