
"Dude, you have my Koran" ~Boromir the Boyfriend
I absolutely second (third? 20th?) this one. It is impossibly reductive in its anti-religion argument, and really most enraging of all is the 'lying = having no ability to control what you say' aspect That One pointed out. Its like, it must have come up at least once or twice in script rewrites or wtvr, and Ricky was just like 'fuck it I am feeling lazy and will leave this movie's script about as well thought out as an improv sketch'.
I have never seen The Man but I am gonna second this. It seemed like the worst wreck of all time, a shitty idea to begin with and then poorly executed (I'm guessing? Those tv spots were pretty painful). It just bugs me that trash like that can come out and dissapear, and we forget how terrible it was. I say, NEVER FORGET - 9/13
'Dude, you have no Jews" - Oscar Schindler. Too much? Eh, sue me.
By Apple farm, did she mean she wanted to start growing clones of her baby in testtubes en masse? "
"a fully clothed bomb expert and a bomb robot, with a stuffed animal" "Get them clothes off and lets PARTY" - the bomb robot, I bet.
Werttrew, so you know about Mr. Backin' Up, aka Mr. Struttin' that Ass. It was never posted on here (not that I didn't send Gabe the link) but it is definitely an accidental viral star gem. check it:
Also, BLAM! is like the MST3K for the agressively-eXtreme asshole toddler set.
Seriously though, how about those east-coast liberal homsexuals, always eating chips and big gulps and vacationing in Disney World. Wait...
omg. caseanate. WEIRD!
Hardly even looks like Antoine Dodson, looks more like old school Aunt Jemima. Anyone?
KEEP BACK 500 FEET to avoid contamination by 'sick moves'
"In a car? On a plane? Wherever you enjoy getting beaten up, the snazzy napper is there!"
They know about these, right: What exactly is the usefulness of a bib around your mouth when you sleep?
I think the highest praise that I can give krasdale's comment (5th place) is that when I read it just now on Monster's Ball, I instinctively went to upvote it again, until my brain caught up a second later and reminded me that I can't do that anymore. Oh man, Gabe, I think you are losing track of what is really important here (krasdale's awesome comment, duh).
Yeah, I have been absolutely loving Louie. When that kid threatened him last night, you really got a sense of what it is like to be 45 and have some kid threatening to kick your ass, and you don't want to get beat up cos, hey, you got kids and what point would it prove anyways, but its still is incredibly emasculating. And then when he followed the kid home I expected a classic tv 'the dad's a bully too!' sort of thing, but it wasn't that at all and was in fact pretty touching. In all honesty, I think that show goes into emotional territory that no other drama, let alone comedy, on tv will touch. It is a strange comedy because the non-stand-up humor part of it generally derives from a 'real life is a weird and kind of sad place but it is all i know and isn't it the strangest' sorta place. So yeah, I love it
OH, just to clarify, by Gabe's age I meant 65 - ∞ , not 30.
Also, what is with his shitty attitude about lol-speak? Like, if you are Gabe's age or something you can legitimately claim to not 'get' how people mangle the English language in texts. But Justin is what, like 25? Me thinks he doth protests too much!
Believe me, we tried:
In the spirit of Kenny I am gonna try for the same format of presenting my link. Here goes:
This is funny and very cute: Warning: if you think eating flan is sorta gross (like I do!), you will be a little grossed out (cos a person eats flan. I'm starting to think most people who aren't mean don't find this a concern.).
Or "AHHHH, that is a part of my body that I can FEEL. I am in incredible PAIN and SUFFERING". My mom said it was an allegory for how people will try to fuck you over in life.
"I've got 99 problems, but making the perfect Turkey Ragu and Banana-Nut Muffins is no longer one!" - HOVA
"This extreme fascination began when Gary was a child" I tell ya, you can't make this stuff up!
Oh man, trailer 2 is great. About halfway through Anne Hathaway is shakily poppin' pills and some doctor tells you she is 'sick'. So either she is sick-sick and has like, I don't know, cervical cancer, or she is a drug addict, which seems more likely. Once again, inferring here, it would seem her drug of choice is prescription viagra, and that she was just using Jake for her 'fix'. Love. Lies. Erections. I can't wait to see this!
I don't know that either phrase is really appropriate for the Scott Pilgrim books. It was released in the format that weekly Japanese mangas are released once there are enough of them to fill out a small trade paperback. The only difference being that the Scott Pilgrim 'chapters' were never released separately and so the trade paperback version was the original. I kind of like that format a lot, because you don't need to wait a month in between your 28 pages of story to find out what happens.
"I don't want your ubercharge" #TF2jokes
Well then you should play Team Fortress 2! It is really fun even if you aren't always saying 'fuck'. The sad part is, he was at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the game, and he had (or demanded) two medics healing him at all times, implying he is probably very good and also that his team isn't kicking him for the sole reason that he is helping them win. That is the really sad part imo.
That is simply the back-splatter from some perp she just karate chopped in the neck. "There WILL be order in this court!"
"Fart!" - my gross vagina in Gilbert Godfrey's voice.
Wow. This is legitimately frightening. How do you convince a kid to talk like this? Has he been taking lessons with Al Roker since pre-school? If he doesn't get a job as a news anchor on a morning show when he's older, I don't know that he is really fit for anything else. And by 'anything else' I of course mean 'jobs that require you to interact with human beings and be something of a non-total-nightmare human being yourself'.
Oh man, they should do an interview with the family of that mouse she caught. He is probably such a disappointment.
Eyemuffs: At least one substance was involved, yes. Also, for those who do not know about it yet, I was able to take this awesome screen capture with Jing! It is a really convenient screen/video capture program that automatically hosts your capture and binds it to control-v, so yeah, really simple to use. Now there is nothing standing between you and Videogum glory!
I did not think you could make working at McDonalds seem like any less of a desirable job, but there ya go pink sweater lady. Now we have to add 'threat of being punched in the face' to the job description.
Ok, I basically had to teach myself some basic GIMP skills for this one, but here it is: