
"Really? Jersey Shore...with Asians?" -Not Tyrese
There's an awful lot of assumptions in this premise and much of it derives from purely looking at the polar opposite of what the ostensible outcome is (or could be). I don't disagree. As I said, there are, on both sides, equally compelling arguments (for one, the kids in the same pose/clothes and his ability to see their faces for the first time due to his triumph over his long-lasting guilt), but I don't think there was enough empirical evidence throughout the flick to give credence to the idea that it was absolutely 100 percent a dream
Oh, I see what you did there.
Exactly. Everything you just said corroborates why i believe the ending of the movie is apparent, despite the ostensible ambiguous thread they left ending (kind of like The Sopranos ending). While I do admit that there is an equal amount of compelling evidence for both sides (dream v. reality), the last shot of the film, to me at least, was nothing more but a visual signifier for the thematic conceit of the movie. Nolan has always had a knack for questioning the parameters of reality by constantly challenging his characters (and thus the audience) to question what is real and what isn't. The purpose of the totem spinning is to help illustrate that idea, but this is not to say that it fails to have subsidiary purposes (the main one being to make the audience think about everything they just saw). Lastly, on a more personal note, I'd like to believe that Cobb gets his happy ending, which puts everything I just wrote in risk of motivated reasoning. Wouldn't it be nice though if Nolan finally gave one of his characters a happy ending?
Today, a girl that I've been kind of crushing on told me she didn't like Inception. Crush over.
Last week, Amy Ryan joined the cast of Top Chef. This week, Nicholas Cage has put down his sorcerer's wand and picked up a knife. I can't wait for him to overcook his saffron infused cauliflower puree and scream, "HOW'D IT GET BURNT? HOW'D IT GET BURNT?!"
Why and when did Amy Ryan join the cast of Top Chef?
This is viral marketing for True Blood, right?
I work at a rather large tech company, who's claim to fame is a search engine, in which I monitor and take down cases involving child pornography. I've noticed a recent incline of photos that contain Miley Cyrus. Is this fucking assclown the reason why? Thank you, Perez "This is why Fred Phelps hates homosexuals" Hilton. I'm missing game seven cause of your dumb philistine ass.
I would be horribly remiss not to comment on this thread based on my avatar... yeah..
Also, The Baltimore Sun is going to need a new managing editor.
Mel's going to be heartbroken.
“You were all flawed. I chose you because you were like me, you were all alone. I chose you because you needed Glee as much as Glee needed you" -Mr. Shue
They should do a shot for shot remake with the same cast and same R Kelly soundtrack. Only this time, the toons easily run over the opposing "bad guy" team because Patrick Ewing and Charles Barkley are old farts now.
I was afraid to come onto this site believing that Gabe was going to rip it apart. I'm glad I was wrong.
The Twilgiht Saga: New Boone
Ten years ago, small and rotund white kids were making videos of themselves pretending to wield a lightsaber (you know, videos of substance). Now they're idolizing Lady Gaga? What, as a society, have we become?
Both Ab Aeterno and last night's episode (even The Package to a certain extent) are really tying in all the previously splattered elements together. I'm starting to feel that the season is coming to a head and that everything is about to go apeshit. It really fits into the traditional dramatic narrative structure. Next week's episode is supposed to be the closing of the second act (where the shit, as expected, hits the fan). I'm invigorated people! MY NIPPLES ARE HARD AND I'M JUICED UP. LET'S DO THIS SHIT.
First off, my parents watch this crap ALL THE TIME. Every time I visit home, I end up wanting to jam chopsticks up my nostrils to prevent the inevitable aneurysm. The worst thing about this video is the only thing I understood from it is xiǎo (small) and pang (fat). In other words, the only Mandarin I still understand involve my harsh insults from my parents (i.e. my porkly adolescent stature). I'm pretty sure if the Whitney Houston kid was described as a "chicken shit, big ear'd, twinkie [yellow on the outside, white on the inside] who needs to stop living the devil life", I would have understood that too.
We Asians have been buying eggplants since we were nine. Model minority, for sure.
I hope Gabe never reviews Amelia so we can see how many GIFs of children falling into puddles of water you can conjure up. Also, remember when NPR was promoting the tits out of Amelia? It always made me want to see Amelie for some reason.
I really liked 500 Days of Summer =(
Excuse me for being late, but I just read the part where he bashes 'The Blood Meridian' as an overwrought cowboy and indians story? This motherfucker should go to hell. Forreal.
You folks are too obsessed with answers, ey. (I'm Canadian).
If Hurley could pay for two seats, Kevin Smith surely can.
"I'm going to go look into the telescope at the girl with the big titties" -Aziz Ansari as Kanye West
Let's get this voted up to 108 and leave it there.
But The Sopranos ending was kind of brilliant.
Faraday bumps into Marvin Candle. Locke moved the island. Island is flashing. Characters flashing through time. Jack wants to bring everyone back together (including dead Locke). Eveyrone's like "no, you idiot". Desmond gets a new memory, looks for Faraday's mom. Faraday's mom tells Ben, "you have to get them all back". Charlotte dies, Dan cries. Rousseau meet Jin. Jin meet Rousseau. Locke fixes the island. Dies off the island (Ben strangled his dumbass). Everyone ends up in Dharma times. Jakc and co end up on Flgiht 316 after Faraday's mom (Eloise) instructed them to do so. They end up in Dharma as well. Sawyer is now La Fleur, boning Juliet and has a nicer disposition. Jin speaks english and has funny hair. Kate come sback and is all like, "Oh Sawyer remember me? We boned in a cage. How sick was that?". Sayid shoots baby Ben. Kate takes him to the Others to be saved (Richard Alpert takes him into a dark cave and steals his innocence). Locke is ressurected. Ben is like "oh fuck". Ben is jduged by the monster. A dead Alex shows up and tells him to do everything Locke does. Miles is Marvin Candle's son. Faraday comes back from Ann Arbour. Tells Jack and co. they're not supposed to be there. Wants to blow up an H-bomb to reset time and space. Faraday goes to see hsi mother. His mom shoots him. Kills him and is like, "oh wait. what?". Locke tells Ben he needs to kill Jacob. Ben is like, huh? Jack gets a nuke, throws it into the hole and nothing happens. Everything goes ape shit. Juliet dies (fucking sad). Ilana (shit i didn't meniton her story, oh well) brings Locke's body to Richard after Richard took Locke and Ben to see Jacob. Sun is like, "I'm a dumb bitch. I don't get anything. Who's body is that? Who is Locke". That was a bit harsh, I know. Locke is like, 'What's up Jacob? Remember me?'. Jacob's like, "Oh. You found a loophole, you fucking dick". Ben's like, "Hey what about me?" Jacob's like, 'What about you?'. Ben knifes the shit out of him, CS style. Jacob says "theyre coming". Juliet wakes up at a bottom of a pit. Gets a rock. Smashes the nuke. Everything goes to white.
Hurley's all like, hey yo check out my car. Busts through some fruits. Jack's like 'dammit". Hurley's like "I'M ONE OF THE OCEANIC 6". Camps divide (team locke v. team jack v. team edward v. team jacob). Freighter folk come. Faraday the scientist. Charlotte the anthropologist. Miles the ghost hunter. Frank the pilot. Sayid is working for Ben off the island. Kate is taking care of Aaron off the island. Jack and Kate are engaged off the island. Sun has her baby off the island (and Jin is dead..or is he?). Michael comes back. Desmond reaches his constant (tear). Ben get's his daughter killed. Summons smokey, kills bad guys. Jack gets appendicitis (huh?). Locke has to move the island. The Oceanic 6 gets off the island. Desmond finds Penny (awww). Jin blows up on the freighter. Christian tells Michael he could go now. Everyone has to lie. Locke is now Jeremy Bentham and is in a coffin.
Juliet is all like, "Bitch, I love Stephen King. I don't care what Ben likes". Earthquake. Everyone goes outside. HOLY SHIT THERE'S A PLANE SPLITTING APART IN THE AIR. Henry Gale is all like, "Ethan and Goodwin. Go be spies and shit". Jack is locked in an aquarium. Juliet is all like, "Hey look at my boobies. I look like your wife. Let me prey on your sympathies". Henry Gale is like, 'Good job Juliet'. Juliet's like, 'Thanks Ben' (Oh snap, his real name is Ben). Sun is a whore and slept with a Korean Mr. Clean. Locke is revitalized, is amenable to coercion and saves Mr. Eko. Nikki and Paulo should die (and they do). Desmond can see the future. Sawyer has a daughter (Clementine is a great name). There are two islands. Ben memorizes every line from John Steinbeck novels. Eko dies cause he doesn't repent to his brother. Kate was married, but a 'tiger don't change its stripes' and she runs away. Kate bones Sawyer. Jack agrees to perform surgery on Ben. Uses it to his advantage to help Kate and Sawyer escape (Dammit Kate Run!). Juliet was a fertility doctor. Ben and Richard Alpert brought her to the island. Wants nothing more but to get back to her sister. Desmond has flashes. After he turned the failsafe key, he flashes back to himself years prior (when he was with Penny). Some white haired lady is like, "No bitch. You belong on that island". Desmond accepts his fate. Tells Charlie he's going to die. Jack has tattoos (great) and is sitll with the Others. Kate gets Sayid, Locke and Rousseau to find Jack. Sayid finds the Flame. Meets Mikhail. Beatrice dies. Locke enters 77. Place goes kaboom. Claire was a goth girl and is Jack's half sister. Locke blows up a submarine. Kate and Sayid are cuaght. Locke listens to Ben. Ben shows him what came out of the box (DAD?). Kate is left behind wiht Juliet. They find Jack and Sayid. They go back to camp. Juliet is accepted into the camp after saving Claire's life, but we find out she's a mole (OH HELL NO GIRL). Desmond sees flashes. A helicopter lands on the island. It's Naomi. She tells Hurley that flight 815 was discovered on the bottom of the ocean (Uh, what?). Sun's baby belongs to Jin's. Juliet is all like, "Oh man. I love babies. I hate Ben. I'm going to help Jack). Locke can't be an other until he kills his dad. Locke employs Sawyer to do this because his dad is the REAL SAWYER (oh they just blew our fucking minds). Sawyer Jabba the Hutts the shit out of real Sawyer. Locke brings back his dad to Ben. Ben takes him to Jacob. Ben killed the Dharma Initiative. Jacob is no where to be seen. Cabin starts shaking. Ben shoots Locke. Leaves him to die in a pit. Charlie accepts his fate, writes his greatest hits. Jack is a drug addict. Jack and co. blow up the others (Juliet flipped that shit on Ben's dick). Locke wakes up, is saved by a taller Ghost Walt. Ben is beaten up. Charlie dies (Not Penny's Boat). Jack gets in contact with the freighter off the island. Jack meets Kate at LAX. We realize it's a flashforward (WE HAVE TO GO BACK KATE).
Scene opens with a man in a room. Turns on some Mama Cass (You gotta make your own kind of music), does some sit ups, makes a protein shake and BAM. Looks through a bunch of telescopes to find Jack and Locke staring down a hatch. Jack meets Desmond while exercising, then meets him again in the hatch holding a gun to Locke's head (you!). Locke watches and Orientation video with Marvin Candle explaining they must press the button every 108 minutes (4 8 15 16 23 42). Jack runs after Desmond (crying, obviously). Desmond remembers him. Hurley gives away all the food. Sun and Jin are still separated (sad). Michael, Sawyer and Jin are captured by what we think are the Others, but really are the survivors of the tailsection (ugh, Ana Lucia). They trek across the island to get back with Jack's camp. Shannon is abandoned. Sees visions of Walt. Runs into the jungle and shot by Ana Lucia (oh snap). Sayid is hella pissed. Ana Lucia is a cop who was shot and lost her baby. Eko was a warlord turned priest with his brother's dead body on the island (what?), and Libby is...wait, who the fuck is Libby? Sayid forgives Ana (still sad though). Michael goes off to find Walt (WALLLT!). Jack, Sawyer and Locke go off to chase him. They meet Tom Friendly and The Others instead and are told to "never cross the line" (PWNED). Charlie breaks up with Clair (becomes Darth Charlie). Sawyer takes all the guns (and steals Cassidy's money). Sayid meets Henry Gale (ONE OF THEM), tortures him and gets blood everywhere. Claire remembers what happened when Ethan took her (meets Alex Rousseau). Sun might have had extramarital relationships (and is pregnant...when JIN IS IMPOTENT. WHAT THE?). Locke and Henry have philosophical musings over Doestoevsky. Locke gets trapped in a lockdown. Henry draws a map for Ana Lucia to find his balloon (his alibi). Locke gets trapped in a lockdown (pun!). Henry helps him. Sayid comes back. Points a gun and is all like "bitch you ain't no Henry Gale". Michael comes back. Has some bullshit story. Kills Ana Lucia and Libby and frees Henry Gale. Michael convinces Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer to follow him. Turns out to be an ambush. Sayid sees a four toes statue. Henry Gale lets Michael and Walt off the island. Locke doesn't want to press the button anymore, but Eko does. Desmond comes back on his boat (you?). Locke and Desmond find out what happens when they don't press the button. The button is the reason the plane crashed. Locke still thinks its fake. Desmond doesn't. Desmond blows up the whole dam. Locke is remorseful (I was wrong). Penny detects the explosion and is all like "ooo im going to find my man".
Flight 815 took off from Sydney on September 22nd, 2004. It landed on a mysterious island. Jack is a doctor, Kate is a fugitive, Sawyer is a conman, Locke was paralyzed but could walk again, you get the gist. Jack follows his dead dad to water. Everyone drinks. Sawyer is tortured by Sayid. Sawyer gets a kiss from Kate. Sayid walks in shame. Finds Rousseau, gets tortured, is freed, and hears the whispers. Claire is attacked. Hurley runs a census. Hurley finds out "one of them wasn't on the plane!". Ethan takes Claire and Charlie. Ethan hangs Charlie. Jack saves Charlie. Locke and Boone find a hatch. Claire returns. Charlie kills Ethan. Locke loses his legs. Boone finds a plane. Boone dies. Locke cries ("WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!"). Locke sees light. All better. Jack tries to save Boone, but fails (cause he sucks). Aaron is born (life and death). Michael builds a raft. Rousseau comes to the camp ("The Others are coming"). Jack and Locke plan to hide everyone in the hatch (BLOW THAT SHIT UP WITH DYNAMITE, YO). Michael launches the raft with Sawyer, Jin and Walt. Arzt blows up. Jack and Locke blow up the hatch. Hurley sees the numbers (THE NUMBERS ARE BAD). Michael finds rescue (not!); it's Tom Friendly and the Others. They take Walt (WALLLT!). Jack and Locke remove the hatch, look down, and see a broken latter (we wait an infuriating 6 months).
This album is the tits. Mostly because it was the complete opposite of what I expected after All Hour Cymbals. I listened to O.N.E 72 times according to iTunes and that was just in the first week. I got sick of it, but because of this post, I started jamming to it again. THANKS STEREOGUM! =)
The iPad: The new wave of technology for your feminine needs
Is anyone else legitimately afraid this kid might do something really, horribly, idiotically stupid in the future? I was a depressed, angsty little ginger troll myself when I was a 14 year old Asian boy, but not like this.